• 3-21-2017 You can't get straight answers because nobody knows what the words mean. "Drug" is variously defined, usually in terms of affecting bodily functions and/or resisting some disease, but often a legal distinction having nothing to do with biological effect. "Ethical" is defined as a synonym for "moral", but most people think it is not supposed to be. "Moral" is the adjective form of "more" (pronounced "mor-ay") which is any rule of behavior adopted by the people in a particular area. So you have three holes in the page. Besides that, your question has three possible answers, depending on whether you meant a medical, social, or legal basis for the answer.
  • Ethics. Ethics are about what's right and wrong. Morals are a personal choice. The Ethical person knows what's right and wrong, the moral one would choose not to make the unethical choice. However Jewels has a good point about defining drugs. Caffiene is a drug. An aspirin is a drug. One loose definition online says: "A drug is any substance that causes a change in an organism's physiology or psychology when consumed." According to this definition a cell phone, computer game, or even listening to music or crocheting could be considered a drug.
  • Ethical ones. The individual withdraws within a narrow drug culture and within himself or herself. Drug usage for many adolescents represents a neglect of responsibilities at a time when more important developmental experiences are required.
  • I guess I'm not sure without consulting a dictionary... "Ethical (adjective): relating to moral principles." "Moral (adjective): concerned with the principles of right and wrong." In standard usage, it looks like the two are synonymous. Saying drug use in itself is a problem or not, however, does seem to be solely a moral/ethical proposition.
  • Drug use is not a problem. Drug abuse is.
  • I would venture to say ethical means it affects others, while moral means it affects just you..😈

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