My son.
Besides the women (and some men) I work with that would be my husband.
we are dough 68"The Sun still lives his silent vows to the Moon, by bowing to kiss her feet whenever she walks in the room"---Curtis Tyrone Jones.
I spend the most time in my own company. I don't count the office as shared time with people. I spend a lot of time with my husband and a few close friends.
My imaginary friend, Bernard.....
Mr PantsFellDown
Bernard Shakey?
Myself 24/7 365.25 days
Boola Boo
That is the same person I hang out with, myself. lol -
me too
My husband.
we are dough 68
"I know what it is to live entirely for and with what I love best on Earth. I hold myself supremely blessed; blessed beyond what language can express; because I am my husband's life as fully as he is mine"---Charlotte Bronte (Jane Eyre).
Myself. So I try to make myself as interesting as possible.
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