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  • Do you think they have a big jar full of spiders that they drop our questions into for half an hour ?
    • we are dough
      I pity the poor spiders who have to read my pathetic, moronic questions......
    • Ice man
      ..Yes, I understand ...
    • we are dough
    • Ice man
      [Elvis voice] "Thank you, thank you very much ! "
  • My own questions haven't, but I have seen a few that have been. I haven't the slightest idea what it means either, although my guess would be that it is waiting for the admin to decide whether it should be displayed or removed. I don't know why such a process would be called "spidering" though. I must admit I am not an expert on computer jargon.
    • Ice man
    • we are dough
    • Ice man
      No she made me a nice salad to go with my bland gruel.
  • My answers from the old bag appeared on my profile not long after I'd recovered this account and when I clicked to view the questions, it said they've been "queued for spidering". I have no idea what that means.
    • Ice man
      More than a little confusing isn't it. One of my current Q's was "queued for spidering" the other night. It would be nice to find out what that means , once and for all.
    • Temperance Brennan
      I agree, I find myself quite curious.
  • All the questions and answers of the old Answerbag had been deleted but some of the content can still be retrieved from the Wayback Machine, a digital archive of the World Wide Web. This retrieval work has already retrieved some questions and answers. This is done with the help of an internet bot called a Web crawler or a Web spider. Further information:
    • Ice man
      Thanks I'll have to follow the links when I get a bit of free time.
    • iwnit
      @Ice man: you are welcome and thank you for your feedback!
  • Yes, one of mine was taken during a massive spam attack the day I was kicked off Answerbag. I never got it back. I asked what do you buy more of even though you have plenty also when I was trying to put you on the leaderboard the first time I started accessing your questions by number ( to keep from having to scroll through all the pages of questions in order to get to the next one in line) some of them got taken "for spidering" but only for a short time and then they came back.
    • Linda Joy
      I suppose that means once you submit a question it's no longer yours. They can do with it whatever they want.
    • Ice man
      You suppose correctly. Once you hit the enter key (submit) ... they no longer belong to us. They become the property of AB.
    • Linda Joy

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