Well i think love, but hate can make more damage you can hurt more people because of hate cause when you love someone you don't wanna hurt them.
Love. Love can go anywhere hatred dwells and eliminate it; but, hatred cannot abide where love is. " 4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8 Love never fails." 1Co 13:4-8 There is nothing like the power of love.
Emotions have been scientifically measured in their power,and love far outdid hatred as a powerful emotion.
love is 3x as powerful as hate
I've felt both, so i can tell you, through experience that LOVE is more powerful then any emotion you will ever feel. It makes you do things, you never thought you'd do in the name of love! Hatred, of course, is a very strong emotion as well, actually a very exhausting emotion. It takes a lot more energy to hate than to love.
Love, the world would be lost if this were not true.
Love but sadly hate has the greater effect!
Hate is stronger. You cannot hate someone for whom you have never cared deeply about. I would even say you must have loved someone to be able to truly hate them. Therefore hate must be beyond love. It is a stronger emotion. Surely you can say I hate him, or I hate this or that, but do you? Really? You may greatly dislike that person, you may carry some resentment for them, but you probably do not actually "hate" them. Hate is so deep seeded and so powerful but it is something that many of us will never truly experience. Hatred is all-consuming and virulent, violent, and it carries a certain malignant passion. There is only one true form of hatred. Love comes in many forms and by contrast many more of us are likely to experience it in it's purest forms than we would hate. Love sweeps you off of your feet and makes you feel light as air, happy and possibly free. However the feeling usually fades and resurfaces a few times in life. Rarely does someone hurt you enough to really inspire hate toward them. It must be someone really close who does something, or many things so vile that they are set into your mind, burned in. Etched permanently on your psyche to the point where it is what drives you and drives you mad. Although love is far better than hatred, hatred is stronger without a doubt. Pray you never truly experience true hatred. It is truly too awful to bear, which is probably why; though hate is truly stronger, the powers that be do not make us experience as much of it.
If I hate someone, or something, I can avoid it unless I am legally bound to her/him or it. But let's leave out the legal attachment. I can avoid the cause of the hatred and not think about her/him or it. I can decide whether I hate or not. And I decide not to because it would damage me othewise. But if I love her/him or it I am not going to do this. I will hold the loved object close and, if needed, take care of her/him or it in any way I can. It would damage me to avoid doing this. I would feel guilty. And I wouldn't forget about it. So love is the more powerful emotion. It brings about life long attachments and efforts. While the object of hatred is soon forgotten.
For humans, hate is the stronger emotion. You can kill millions by hate, but only love a few. However, with God, Love is greater than hate, because Jesus sacrificed himself for His enemies, us, and so gained the right for us to come into the presence of God once again.
Neither and both. They are one and the same. In order to draw more power out of the One, people create a division. But the effect is a shallow one, for all intents and purposes. Have sex with your enemies! Hate the things you love to do, they'll last longer.
guess it depends on how a person feels at the time .. i would hope that it would be love.
Just because you can more easily do something, like hate, doesn't mean it is more powerful, like love. It matters more where the emotion is aimed, what the consequences are. You can love bad things, hate good things. But you can also hate bad things which is a good thing, and in essence, you are loving when you do. Hate is destructive but love can come back every time and rebuild it. And if you love enough, the hate can never conquer you, you can always find your core of love. "Love bears all things, hopes all things, believes all things."
Love. Love is undeniable as to where hate, you can kind of forget about. Love is hard to forget, overcome and in some cases doesnt go away no matter how much you want it to.
Hate, for me.
Love, definitely. Hate is a waste of time and energy. It is useless and destructive.
Since love can turn into hate and hate rarely turns into love, I would say love is a stronger emotion because it can transform your energy from positive to negative based on the fact that you had love for the person and that line was so thin and fragile that you can just despise someone you once held in high regard. (sorry i'm divorced) :)
Love is stronger Hate is consuming, dividing and burns itself out, whereas Love is infectious, spreads and grows, gaining ever increasing power.
Hate. It is so much easier to hate.
They are the two sides of the same coin. Love is creative, hate is destructive. Edit: Spelling mistake corrected
Personally, I think they're two different sides of a very large coin.
I agree both are the same but differant , my wife hates to love me :)
You can love someone so much, and you can hate someone so much either. Yet some people (I liek that kind) really "can't" "hate" someone. And if they didn't like they won't hurt, u mean strong that can hurt? or just strong feeling towards sb?
Love. You can love many people, but you can't hate that many. And they do say Love Conquers All! ♥ ♥ ♥
Love. Hateful energy must be sustained like a fire that needs constant fuel. Love reveals Itself naturally when the consciousness is cleansed of meaningless distractions.
both are very strong emotions .Been hurt in love .Been hurt with hate .
Love, because it can conquer hate - and has - and does - and always will. Love is a primary emotion. Hate is secondary and is built upon fear. "Perfect love casts out fear," and leaves hate without a leg to stand on.
love is stronger because it is rooted in hope. A person who has lost hope can not be moved by love or hate.
I think they are both the same. Each one takes the same amount of energy to convey.
love conquers all
Love is what will remain after hate finally burns itself out. Don't hold yer breath, it'll be a while.
Both exist. Both are powerful. Both can direct, inform and inspire out thoughts and actions .. for good or ill .. light or dark. But "ultimately stronger"? Love. Even as we human beings try throughout our lifetimes to learn what it "is" to truly love. As we do? The world becomes that much more full of "light" vs "dark".
Let me ask you something. If you knew you were about to die and could make one last phone call, who would you call? Which call would you make? 1) "I hate your guts and hope you rot in hell" or 2) "No matter what happens, just know I love you and I'll always live in your heart" Anger may be louder and more forceful at times, but love is stronger. Love is what lasts
Very good question I am going to have to say love. Here is the thing, you can get really angry at someone but the angers the time it is strong but usually is not ongoing whereas with Love if it is truly love it can last forever and even through anger and difficult times. Therefore, I will say love.
Anger is by far stronger even though it might not endure as long. people get killed and slaughtered through anger, but few get killed or slaughtered out of love. The body get a jolt of adrenaline with anger, but love usually is more sedating. Almost everyone prefers love, but anger is still stronger.
Love !
love. you may get angry, but that eventually fades, & you're left with love. & a little bit more of anger here & there. but still love lasts longer, forever, &... other stuff.
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