• because we cant measure in any other medium
  • 1) "Philosophy of space and time is the branch of philosophy concerned with the issues surrounding the ontology, epistemology, and character of space and time. While such ideas have been central to philosophy from its inception, the philosophy of space and time was both an inspiration for and a central aspect of early analytic philosophy. The subject focuses on a number of basic issues, including—but not limited to—whether or not time and space exist independently of the mind, whether they exist independently of one another, what accounts for time's apparently unidirectional flow, whether times other than the present moment exist, and questions about the nature of identity (particularly the nature of identity over time)." Source and further information: 2) "In logic, the term temporal logic is used to describe any system of rules and symbolism for representing, and reasoning about, propositions qualified in terms of time. It is sometimes also used to refer to tense logic, a particular modal logic-based system of temporal logic introduced by Arthur Prior in the 1960s. Subsequently it has been developed further by computer scientists, notably Amir Pnueli, and logicians." Source and further information: 3) "Philosophy is the discipline concerned with questions of how one should live (ethics); what sorts of things exist and what are their essential natures (metaphysics); what counts as genuine knowledge (epistemology); and what are the correct principles of reasoning (logic)." "Though no single definition of philosophy is uncontroversial, and the field has historically expanded and changed depending upon what kinds of questions were interesting or relevant in a given era, it is generally agreed that philosophy is a method, rather than a set of claims, propositions, or theories. Its investigations are based upon rational thinking, striving to make no unexamined assumptions and no leaps based on faith or pure analogy. Different philosophers have had varied ideas about the nature of reason, and there is also disagreement about the subject matter of philosophy. Some think that philosophy examines the process of inquiry itself. Others, that there are essentially philosophical propositions which it is the task of philosophy to prove. Until the Renaissance, 'philosophy' and 'science' were considered the same discipline." Source and further information: 4) Issues related to the concept of space and times are sometimes considered as philosophical, because it can relatively difficult to apply scientific method here. Of course, some scientists made some work on these issues, not only philosophers. (for instance Space Time theory in Einstein's relativity) I think it can be considered as a borderline domain.
  • Good jargon Q. With an Ivy League degree in Phil., I never heard of the term Philosophical Science, b/c "philosophy" and "science" are not adjectival to one another.
  • What phenomena or mode of thinking *isn't* in some context of time & space? ;-)

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