• Nothing
  • Sadly usually the need for coffee or the toilet.
  • Several things, 1 that if I don't exercise & I'm afraid I'll gain so much weight before I know it they will have to tear a wall out to get me out. Just the thought of letting myself go to that point scares me so I try to maintain my weight also where I work with the public I try to keep myself looking decent. And I don't want to be an embarrassment to my son. The thought of my child being embarrassed by something I do or the way I look kills me. Kids can be so cruel to other kids for things they can't help but something like my weight I can.
  • Friends that encourage me to exercise; play soccer, basketball, and other activities.
  • Fat people!!
  • When you're in good shape, you feel so much better, you have more energy, and it's fun. Find something that you like. Also, people who aren't in shape are in bad health a lot earlier, and die sooner. Bad health means things you'll really hate, like daily aches and pains, being incapacitated by heart disease, osteoarthritis from obesity, maybe getting your feet amputated from diabetes. Think of your family having to take care of an invalid, including emptying your bedpan. Think of your kids losing their parent 20 years early.
  • Nothing, i just do it 'cos i know i'll look ad feel better afterwards.
  • My motivation is my life situation. I have several medical problems that require that I exercise daily. A good motivation might be: If you are healthy, be very thankful - exercise to keep that status...
  • Weight control and I feel better after I do it. It just throws my whole day off if I can't for some reason.
  • all this fat that follows me around. but also, it's an excuse to do something selfish :)
  • The fat hanging from my butt that will not allow itself to be sucked into my jeans any longer and the way I look when I pass a mirror...I think who the hell is that?
  • <points to pants> These size 5 jeans I fit into. :)
  • I just do it because I want to.
  • nothing compells me to exercise - i seriously hate exercise, i am no good at exercise, exercise hates me.
  • Very simple answer:girls.
  • My children
  • My age. The fact that I'm 58 and people often mistake me for 40 motivates me to maintain an active lifestyle although truth be told, I don't actually 'exercise'. I practice yoga and meditation and I eat healthy and have a positive outlook on life. I quit smoking years ago and drink so rarely as to not warrant mention. No lines on my face and nothing needs lifting or surgical intervention!
  • Mirror ..!!
  • Music and my parents for all the hard work they have done to take care of me.
  • the feeling of energy and knowing your able to improve yourself.
  • I like the body I have. I want to keep it the way it is, therefore I exercise :D
  • The fact that im going to have a perfect body was the thing that motivated me and now after two years of hard training beeing 10h per week excercise i have reached my goal... and ofcource quit smoking... thats realy a downer! When youre out of breath because of smoking.. and trust me its the sigarettes... I know... you just get tiered much easyer and quit much much faster. Oh yea and hot girls for men and hot guys for girls. Keep in mind that you shouldnt exercise with any one that can create a sexual tingle in your body for that would make you loose your consantrating on the exercise you are doing. Focus on the exercise and things that make you want to move your body. This can be dancing, you with a sexy body, combat.. ect
  • health and, of course, vanity:)
  • I like females that are in shape so it only makes since that I need to be in shape.
  • It would be great to have a nice sexy female bodybuilder to be my training partne. That would be reason enough. HEY!! is that a fetish?
  • It would be great to have a nice sexy female bodybuilder to be my training partner. That would be motivation enough. HEY!! is that a fetish?
  • Seeing how fat I'm getting! LOL
  • My present inability to replace my wrecked car. ButI still maintain walking is BORING..,,
  • Becoming a better tennis player, ridding myself of my asthma once and for all, keeping my well-maintained figure in shape. =)
  • I read that your muscles start to athropy at around 30 years old if you don't work out. I feel so much better and stronger when I exercise and hubby likes that I can help him move heavy stuff.
  • I'm tired of being unable to wear smaller sized clothing and if I don't do it now I will never get in shape!
  • The way you fell while and after you excersize, its a great stress one-word, ENDORPHINS.
  • Music.
  • I have yet to find the motivation to exercise, lol
  • What motivates me to excercise? Thats quite simple my heatlh is the biggest reason for me to excercise.Another thing that motivates me to go out and excercise is for my self esteem and to look good in my Prom dress.This is what motivates me to excercise
  • Unfortunately I haven't found anything yet that motivates me to exercise. The only exercise I get is walking to my classes on the college campus.
  • The promise of feeling better after I´ve trained. The feeling that I am becoming a healthier person than I was before. Serotonin. Feeling in better shape. All these things motivate me to exercise!
  • I don't exercise like in a slavish way, but the only thing I do is run round the house, so nothing really
  • All the tiny clothes in boutiques and your boy/girlfriend!!!
  • The mirror! And then I buy magazines of girls in bikini's that looks sooooooo hot, and am on the bike! Also knowing that its almost holiday...and my boyfriend will see me in my bikini alot!
  • Fear and anger
  • The trend of our nation of becoming obese!
  • Music, and fitting in to a smaller size! Not to mention having a ton more energy.
  • Every time I look in the mirror. Now I am quite pleased with what I see as I recently treated myself to a great book which has taught me how to exercise correctly and also eat healthily. It gave me both the motivation and desire to get really fit and it has worked. I got it from this site;
  • The love of sports.
  • Ahhh! When you exercise your body releases these hormones called endorphines that make you feel really happy/satisfied/anything good. People that exercise alot eventually become reliant on the endorphines released because they make the person feel really good. This feeling motivates them to exercise. In a away it's like a drug addiciton but with positive effects because it makes you want to exercise! Therefore all athletes and sports people are druggies!!!
  • Certainty of the truth in the saying "use it or lose it" courtesy of my unhealthy relatives and what their health is like in their mere 60's.
  • The desire to maintain a good quality of life and to live as long as I can maintain that. Plus knowing that no matter how listless and tired I may feel, even just 20 minutes or working out will recharge me.
  • Hot women.
  • fear of death
  • when I notice that my friends and relatives are in better shape than I am.
  • going to the gym,doing it at home don't work for me, and be sure to have pumping music in your player it make me work so much harder without feeling the pain - haha
  • Potential impact to my: career health self esteem all pretty good reasons for me.
  • Reading other peoples' inspirational stories on Livestrong really gets me in the mood to work out.
  • well my coach and friends that run with me and when i reall want to loose
  • I have a desinated time every day to excercise whether I feel like it or not, I just do it, and half way into it I start feeling better getting more energy. I don't worry about how much I'm loosing, I don't ever get on a scale ,I just do it because it makes me feel so much better.
  • competition
  • My fat belly.
  • My high blood pressure. It is lower when I am at a healthy weight. Also the arthritis hurts less when I keep myself more fit.
  • ... as an instructor of martial health science and self defense, "do as I do" works well ... while "do as I say, not as I do" just does not work with my students ... I must get ahead and lead by example, rather than get behind and try to push!!!
  • Getting fat :)
  • I play rugby. If i don't i'll be broken and in pieces on the side of the road.
  • Seeing a photo of myself, the display on my scale and my doctors recommendation.
  • Your body is a temple, It represents who you are and how you feel about yourself. Do you clean when company comes over? People are attracted more to people who are well kept. Surround yourself with active outgoing people and you will motivate yourself just by wanting to be included.
  • My mind??? hahaha
  • I've been working out so long if I go too long without it, I tend to get moody, and tense. I also don't want to get fat. Overall, I just feel a lot better when exercising.
  • Main benefits of strength training by an exercise science professor: That gets me motivated... ;)
  • Up until I hit my thirties it was feeling good, strong, fit and having a toned physique that motivated meplus it burned off excess energy and aggression. Now I'm in my thirties, despite changing my diet to a healthier one and doing more exercise, excercise no longer has much effect on my body and I've put on weight, lost muscle tone, fitness etc. so although I still excercise, it's hard to get the motivation.
  • well looking good being healthier and guys turning their heads as i walk past them is what motivates me but most importantly being healthier shud give you all the motivation you need
  • i was struck by lightning just over three yrs ago, and finally hit my goals of trying to walk alone if only for short periods of time ----- my motivation is simple --- if i dont exercise, my docs said i will be back in my wheelchair for good ---- now that should be enough motivation for anyone to try some, any exercise
  • when the inside of my thighs start to rub together when I walk,even worse to wear corduroy material,then get the sound And visual...eeeewwwe heading to gym,gotta go.
  • Well, I exercise by dancing, frisbee golfing, and playing a little soccer. I do these because I enjoy them, I don't need motivation.
  • music, mike tyson, a hero, an idol, a girl, bodybuilders, all these help to exercise
  • Health and I like the feeling.
  • I enjoy being above average, and the confidence I have in myself when I know I'm physically stronger, fitter, and better looking than 99% of the people around is epic. Plus, it's part of my job to be fitter and stronger than average Joe, and I enjoy exercise. Oh and my health.
  • I've found that keeping my exercise equipment under foot has helped me a lot. My arm weights are under my desk where I can’t help but notice them. That keeps them on my mind and I’m a heck of a lot better about using them now than I was when they were in the closet. Out of sight, out of mind and all that. The elliptical is in the middle of the living room where you have to make an effort not to notice it. Everyone stays on it all day long. Never seen one used so much in my life.
  • 1. Not wanting to become fat. 2. Not wanting to feel fat. 3. I love the rush of energy I get listening to certain songs while exercising. Sometimes it just gets me in the right mood I don't feel tired or want to stop.
  • My job! I've to bicycle to reach my office!To and fro...daily 1 hours exercise!!
  • The person looking back at me in the mirror.
  • I just enjoy exercise, done so since I was a toddler! When I think about the distances I have been able to travel on muscle power alone, I get ideas about going even farther. With a biking range spanning seven counties, with plans to add more, I have been compared to Lance Armstrong, a huge biker.
  • vanity and that it makes me feel better as well as look better.
  • Police dogs
  • A professor in exercise science explain the main benefits of strength training:
  • To a certain degree it is pure vanity that makes me exercise but also it is a way of relaxing. Its like everything, what you put in you get out. Also I dont know how people cannot do exercise or keep fit if they are young and able too.
  • Vanity, health, confidence, arrogance.
  • This guy
  • the fact that a six pack and big muscles look much better then a flabby belly. although its hard to stay on track, i find that in summer i always get motivated so much easier, just the atmosphere and heat make me wanna move and workout.
  • i picture myself in my wedding dress which is a dress size or 2 smaller!
  • Unfortunately nothing!
  • It's just something I enjoy doing.
  • The only real reason that people exercise is because they enjoy the feeling of rejuvenation right after a work out. This special and rare breed of people are the genuinely healthy, happy people. However, even these people are unique in their motivational reasons. For example, I am a high school football and basketball player, BUT I detest running sprints. I simply cannot stand it. So I run an enjoyable 5 mile warm up and then I make up for the sprints in plyometrics and weight lifting. Other people might not like lifting weights so they might decide sprinting is their thing. The point is that they enjoy what they do. This is why when you see commercials for the fast, easy workout routines, I simply change the channel. No matter what equipment you have, be it the gazelle or an ab roller, you still have to do the work no matter how much metal your strapped into. It's a simple equation: intensity * duration = calories burned No magical food or equipment will ever be able to change that no matter what they say. You might as well enjoy your work out knowing that there's no way around the hard work.
  • I know that someone isnt going to like my answer. I get motivated like hell when I watch those shows like "The Half Ton Man" I feel so bad for people like that and I dont want to end up like that. I want to get up right then and there and run somewhere or do something!
  • Mostly, when I start to feel tired and sad. I love going to the gym and sit in front of the mirrors while I lift weights. I imagine that I am fighting my troubles away. I push against them and it empowers me.
  • when the doctor advise to do so.
  • Moving! The more I move the more I want to exercise, get the blood pumping and release the dolphins ;)
  • The fact I have hypothyroidism and if I didn't exercise I'd end up fat as a balloon!!
  • I'm a gym rat, so I'm self-motivated when it comes to working out. I just like the feeling it gives me right afterwards.
  • 1. looking hot 2. health and how it makes me feel
  • To feep fit, to be healthy.
  • the desire to get rid of my love handles.

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