Let him know and see if he feels the same way. That way you don't have to think "what if" for the 3 months you are gone. Get closure/certainty whenever you can.
Tell him you think he seems really cool, and ask where you can find him when you get back. And/or exchange ways to keep in touch while you're gone.
Tell him. Tell him. I'd tell him if it were me.
I'd let them know, even if it's a "I'll miss you." or "I'll be thinking of you. Hope to see you when I get back." You've got to speak up if you think thee mught be a chance and you are truly serious about the chance. If you aren't real serious, then don't kepp him hanging. It won't turn out well for either, then.
sleep with them, make sure to get pregnant, then they can never escape
I would let him in on your feelings. Alot can happen in 3 months and you might miss the chance with him.
I would not say anything and I know this from experience. I told my girl after nine months of dating that I loved her and would always be their, I miss you, etc. I left for two months and came back ready to propose to her and she dropped me like a rock. It was unexpected and it hurt. So I would wait to see how things go. Getting hurt after telling someone how you feel is the worst feeling in the world. Time tells all and all I can give is advice though. Good luck to you in the future....
maybe you should tell him how you feel
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