• I watched a program about the sexes just last night and apparently men are most attracted to women who have the largest difference between the size of their waist and their hips. I think that many very lsrge women lack a marked, discernable difference between the two.
  • Because in this day & age, people who are fat are autmatically associated with being unhealthy. Let's face it, all the top models are skinny; therefore, to be attractive like a top model, you gotta be thin- in the eyes of society that is. Hundreds of years ago, fat woman were seen as attractive because it suggested that she was wealthy enough to stuff her face everyday. So, there's a logical answer for you! hehe
  • I think it's all about personal choice. I know men that love big women and I know men that won't look at a woman over 150 pounds. Everyone has their own idea of what beauty really is.
  • Because we are taught by advertising, movies and such to believe that a fat person is unattractive, lazy, and doesn't care that much about me...fat men are also stereotyped in the same manners. Not since the painter Ruben have plump women enjoyed as high an acceptance rating. Are any of these stereotypes true? Of course in some cases they are...but in truth...thin people or thinner people can have the SAME characteristics! And very thin people suffer with their own nasty titles, comments and put-downs... I'll admit I would prefer having a bit to hold when I am hugging my sweetie...I don't want to snap her like a twig! Good HEALTH and a great personality are the prime interests for me...for myself and those I spend time with! Some day we ALL will droop, spread, hang and wrinkle...better to develop a brain, a keen sense of humor and a kindness towards others...THESE qualities LAST (or can) till you're dead!
  • No idea. Perhaps the biggest failure in Newton's gravitation theory. It could be caused by the media, but normally, the media show what people want to see. And I find many obese women attractive. On the other hand, from the moment where obesity would cause illness or a physical handicap, I would try to do something against it. I heard that the middle weight of college students is about 50 kg. So there could be a relation with the higher attractivity of young adults. You can find informationen over obesity here:
  • What men find attractive in women is basically what makes them good mothers for hypothetical children. Symmetry, healthy skin and hair, having enough spare time/money to make up and dress well: all these say that the woman has high mother potential. Obese women will have more problems bearing children, and problems looking after children once born, than a woman who is not obese. It also hints at self-esteem or other psychological problems. I do not say that these preferences are right, just, or even nice. And remember that our tastes evolved in the time when we were wandering hunter-gatherers. Obesity is uncommon amongst such people, because once you have eaten enough, you usually stop and laze rather than work more to find more food. So, in the days when human tastes were formed, obesity was much less common and much more worrying than it is now.
  • lm afraid l feel very shallow and low for saying this - but most men may consider women of the larger type an easy lay, maybe...
  • I guess its how we as society are painted the picture by our everyday experiences and of course, the media (e.g., America's Next Top Model). Sure there are some men who like a "woman with cushion" and some don't (in that aspect its the personal preference). For myself, I don't know why I don't find "bigger" women as attractive as much as a "skinner" woman. This is a really good question, I hope someone has a more concise answer than myself.
  • Cos they get stuck in the turnstiles when you take them to football.
  • They don't - they just like women to look like women and not like adolescents or stick insects.
  • personal preference i suppose
  • Because fat is gross. Sorry, but it IS. Admit it, there is nothing beautiful about rolls of saggy, dimpled flesh. There is always a way to lose weight, you have to want to and stop making excuses.
  • I am someone in between...but I have a small waist and bigger hips. I'm just glad someone loved me for the way I am. Not the way the world thinks you should be.
  • Amen to that...i like a person to like me on the inside...not outside.
  • Call me shallow but I see a lot of obesity as being a self-esteem issue, and I find it hard to feel attracted to someone who doesn't think enough of themselves to maintain a healthier lifestyle for their own good. Now I am referring to extreme obesity not just a little extra cushion, as I am equally not attracted to rail-thin waifs that only are to maintain that unrealistically skinny as a "super-model"(yech!)look that society needs to outgrow.
  • It's more about the personality. Besides, more cushin fer pushin!!
  • Cuz they are fat!
  • When an obese woman gets into bed with a thin man, She bottoms-out the bed and throws the thin man into the air. It also works the other way around.
  • Well I'm not a man so I can't say for sure, (and I may be risking a lot of point right now, but I'm willing to take the risk) but lets be realistic. For one thing: Fat people are generally unattractive because it's hard to see them as anything other than eating machine. Where it's true, I know, that they do have interests and things, many don't recognize that. They simply think that they're dealing with a glutton pig. For another thing: Most of the time, obese people don't even look human. A woman who might be considered beautiful were she a bit thinner, is considered ugly because her face is swollen with fat and you can't really see all the feminine features beneath it that well. It's sort of gross, all the grotesque limbs and cellulite and whatnot. In a senses this question is like asking why most people find bugs hideous. Because something about them is obviously (for whatever reason, but thats sort of getting in to philosophy so lets not go there) unappealing to most people. Why EXACTLY do we find them unappealing? Well... no one knows really. We know we think they're disgusting and gross and so on, and can point out the things we find ugly, but we can't give the reason as to why those things are ugly to us. Granted however, there are those few people who for whatever reason (once again, lets not get in to that just now) DO like bugs, and think they are quite appealing, just as it is with obese people. Who's to say why people like and dislike the things they like and dislike? It's just common human taste I suppose, to put it as simply as I can. and i apologize for the lack of eloquence in this answer. once again, I'm a bit scatter brained.
  • I think some of the nicest people I have ever met were obese women. Do I find them attractive? Absolutely! I find their heart is a great gift to me. If you mean, sexually. No, I am Gay, so I look beyond their weight and measure their character.
  • i have read all the posts on this topic . I find it very frustrating that alot of people assume obese women are lazy and eat too much . My Mother is obese , it cannot be controlled she has a thyroid disease. She doesnt eat alot and is a very active woman .
  • I don't find them unattractive at all. I don't find them sexually appealing because I am gay. But sexual appeal is a small part of someone's character.
  • I just have no idea.
  • I think it simply comes down to the standard of beauty our culture has taught men is acceptable. I'm sure that once a man gets to know an obese woman, he'd become more inclined to find her attractive.
  • .. because they're fat?
  • I don't necessary agree with you. I think that the level of attraction has to do with personality. Grossly obese women are sometimes that way because they do not respect themselves and overeat. It's hard to have respect for someone who doesn't respect themselves...
  • I don't know. I don't.
  • because they are ignorant assholes who just like most women focus on the physical rather than what is in the heart I actually prefer women with some meat on their bones My late sweetheart was almost 100 lbs over what some idiot that made the chart up calls her ideal weight range but I loved her anyway and would have never dreamed of asking her to lose any of the weight because that would be selfish unless of course her health was in immediate danger and even if that was the case I would not push I would let the decision be hers when you truly love someone you accept them exactly as they are flaws and all
  • I am overweight, not yet obese.. or maybe I am.. just under 200 lbs. I stopped going to the gym and I went from 160 to around 190. I just joined another gym and hopefully I will have some strong muscle under my fat. I still weigh about 45 lbs less than my man so I can't see him kicking me out of bed anytime soon. There is a subculture of men and women who are very into heavy women... Fat Admirers and Feeders... They eat a lot of decadent food and enjoy a very round female form. I think this is some type of fetish for sexual kicks. As they expression goes "more cushion for pushin'".
  • Why do most women find obese men unattractive?
  • Another commenter said something about the waist-to-hip ratio and I second it, and I also add: I've read somewhere that what is easiest and quickest for the mind to process (smooth skin, free of blemishes, discoloration, or other such "speed bumps") is the most "attractive". Me, I agree with these theories and disagree at the same time. They do sound very true, but omfg show me a chubby chick with large hips and if she has a bad complexion who cares? I think that shape is freaking gorgeous <3 And sometimes, you can't help your skin, so. Gotta flaunt what you have :3
  • For the same reason women don't find fat men particularly attractive. Personally, I would not date a fat or obese man because I could never find him attractive - at least not physically. I am attracted to healthy, fit, athletic men. I have my preferences and don't apologize for them.
  • The same reason women find obese men unattractive. It is not healthy and they look bad.
  • they dont look healthy, they look like they cant even bathe themselves, unless you are into that sort of thing its hard to find a date if you are obese
  • Because they are heavier than then, there's alot of blubber, and they associate fat=bad hygeine.
  • Because obesity is UNHEALTHY and not something to be proud of, and it can also be hereditary so why would anyone want to be reproducing with such a person?
  • More pushin for the cushion?
  • some men and some cultures do not...this seems to be a western thing...I suppose supported a lot by the fashion media who portray 'beauty' as a 13 year old skinny model.
  • I ended up here because I was looking for answers. My finance' is overweight - obese- fat. she weighs over 200lbs. Her personality is everything you could ask for in a girl. But I have a problem with her weight and I am thinking about calling off the wedding! At first, her weight didn't bother me, but as time went by, seeing her eating habits and lack of exercising. The huge amounts of clutter in her apartment look like a sign of laziness. She keeps looking more and more unsexy to me. I have lost my appetite to have sex with her. I have tried to motivate her to workout a number of times but its not working out. She recently started doing the workout videos but i know shes only doing that because of the wedding and will soon quit and get back to her old habits. To wrap up! I think that i will be unhappy in a marriage like this. I think she will be more of a baggage than a partner. I don't give a f**k anymore and I'd rather be with a skinny bitch (they're more attractive)!
  • It sounds like a lot of the people who made comments are the perfect shape. I hope that they are having great successful careers and relationships. I agree that it is the hip to waist ratio. Many people who are "obese" by todays standards do not have to weight 300 pounds. A 180 pound woman can be considered obese but have fabulous curves, defined waist and great hips. If you look at paintings from the era of the great renisance painters - the women in those paintings would be obese by todays standards - but found to be beautiful at the time. Marilyn Monroe was around a size 12 - plus size model in todays world.
  • Wow I have to say that some of these answers are very shallow!
  • I think it is simply the style of the times..slender is in. Years ago during Rubens' day voluptuous and zaftig was "in" and there were paintings of these lovely larger women..that was the ideal. Stick around..the pendulum will swing back! :)
  • I believe it works both ways. Do woman find obese men attractive?
  • Because it's gross, nasty and not healthy. There is the important aspect of chemistry and certain physical things are a keen consideration when trying to select a mate in this world.
  • It's evolution baby... All of us (male and female) are pre-programmed to find people who look healthy (and therefore more likely to produce and raise healthy offspring) more attractive. Hence we don't as a rule find people outside of a healthy weight range attractive.
  • Because they are. Most men don't prefer obese women and most women don't prefer obese men. That's just a fact.
  • I have read a number of the answers given to this question. I think the answer is a combination of every one... Although I find it hard to believe that a seventeen year old boy, looking at my seventeen year old daughter is somehow trying to calculate what kind of child bearing skill she has by looking at her a$$. I do think from an early age we are "taught" whats pretty, attractive, etc. by who is on TV in the movies and so on. It is few and far between that an overweight person is portrayed in a flattering light in any medium. They are always either the butt of jokes, or there is some crisis surrounding the issue of weight, popularity and so forth. I think that is why (as some of the answers I have read indicate)"fat" people have low selfesteem, seem sullen, or bitchy. Wouldn't you be too, if from the start someone or something was telling you your not good enough!!
  • We are raised in a society that teaches us to dislike things that are not the "Norm".
  • I personally think it is a shallow culture thing. Women are attractive, period. Some boys don't really think that obese women are unattractive, but they feel like their buddies will tease them if they get caught looking. They need to "man up". Now... To clarify... Morbidly obese, slovenly, unkempt, unbathed - rash ridden people are definitely unattractive. Regardless of gender. I know some obese girls that are pretty enough to make fellas stop and stare.
  • Define obese. My wife is 5'4 and 210#. She gained weight after menopause. however she is cute and very nice. I think the problem is the belly. it really is unnatractive in either sex and frankly it gets in the way. It just is a visual thing with men. Do women find obese men attractive? Not! I've been with a women one could describe as a bag of paperclips and that isn't good either. I was afraid I might break her. My penis seemed longer with her tho. less to get in the way Ray
  • Madison Avenue.
  • probably mostly because of this men are attracted to looks. Normally obese women are not attractive. what you should be asking is "what do men consider to be obese women?" or even a little farther "what body type are men attracted to?"
  • I could have a short shallow answer but it really is more complicated. Everybody has their own image of what is attractive and has the right to it. I personally have not been attracted to obese women for a few reasons. Again, everybody has the "right" to be attracted to whoever they please and men (or women) shouldn't immediately be considered shallow sexist pigs anymore then it be considered wrong to not be attracted to a person because of height, whether they smoke or drink, what style they dress in, there choices of personal hygeine, or even personality. Now I do find it wrong to harass and discriminate against people who are obese, but choosing not to date someone can not be considered harassment or discrimination. Most of us want to be above the shallowness of what we find physically attractive, but essentially this is what seperates love in the sexual or romantic sense to friendship or the kind of love you have for family. I and anyone else with a brain in their head looks for other positive personality traits other than looks, but it is still an essential part of attraction. The simple answer for me is that I find femine body characteristics attractive, nice hips and although I'm not overly a "breast-man" but the shape and not the size for me is a factor as well. In my case this means that there are some mildly curvy women that I find attractive as well. It's no different than why some women might not find obese men attractive, or short men for that matter. Because of this I don't find exceptionally skinny women attractive either, but in the case of obese women, most of these defining body traits are lost. Now the psycolgical part of it for me. I was raised to be modest in many ways and admire that in other people. By this I mean that I don't view being overly extravagant in any way as good thing, whether it's being flashy with money and status symbols, or overindulgence in material things, the later overeating would fall other. Not all people are obese because they overeat, but a good percentage do overeat. I see someone who orders much more than me at a restarant for example, as being over extravagant, with little restraint. To me eating is just something you have to do, like breathing. If I was suffocating, I'd really want air, otherwise I don't think of breathing as an intense source of pleasure. The same goes for eating. Being that a long term relationship is a partnership, I see it as a person who deep down thinks they deserve a bigger piece of the pie than others do, so to speak. Food can be an expensive living expense, and in a partnership this can lead to budget issues. although we were never starving, I guess when raised with a sister and other family in the house who also need to eat and only a set amount of food, I see overeating as inconsiderate in this regard. I know this is a generalisation and doesn't apply to everybody, but is a very common experience having lived with and been in a relationship with obese people. There are people whose personalities overshadow this although. The problem is that even though I can see past all this, the physical aspect of the relationship will be lacking. I know many other men and women feel the same way. Although it is wrong to harass and discriminate, people don't have to apologize because of who they are attracted to or who they choose to date or marry. I do see the reverse on occasion too though, we're bigger women or men are mean the "skinny bitch" or thinner "faggy" guy usually because people happen to find them attractive. Sometimes there are obese people who don't find other people attractive themselves. It's not always because of what the media says is attractive, I could care less about Hollywood and most of what they portray as attractive I don't find attractive for other reasons. I also don't care much for what is considered the "norm" whatsoever. Some men and women do find obese people attractive, and there is nothing wrong with that either, they have a right to choose who to date just like I do. The thing is that we should not have to apologize for this any more than they do.
  • It`s all to do with natural instinct believe it or not. If you are a little over weight men will see it as a possitive thing especially when it comes to reproduction but if you are obese it can be seen as a health risk rather then a possitive thing
  • Regardless of why anyone is obese. It takes a much longer dick to get it into where it counts. Ask me how I know!! A couple I've dated had 4-6" of fat outside their pussy before the pelvis bone could be felt. Though some positions work better than others it's still hard to get in with an 8" dick. Much like when a woman will only mouth the head and won't take any in.
  • Its all a matter of choice. I've met big girls that I wouldn't date ever & ones that I would in a heart beat. though most I'd say were more overweight than obease.
  • I feel that alot of men find bigger girls attractive but because the news, and celebs have such a impact on social standards, they really decide what is in..and you see all these girls like Lindsey Lohan, Hilary Duff and many more who where thicker before they got so involved in the social standings and now they look like someone needs to be shoving food down their throats. I have seen many guys who have friends that are bigger girls and they love there personalitys, how they make them laugh but its always just friends because most...not all men are scared what other people would say, eww why are you with her, ect.. but i Guarantee if it was hooottt to be bigger or Phat then there would be a skinner girl asking the same be happy! U know i have found that it matters somewhat on appearence but a womens self confidence and the way she carries herself will triumph over the looks because a bigger women can be just as DAMN sexy as a skinny You have to love your self fist before someone else can..:0)
  • it goes back to natural selection.. its their genes
  • Why don't you see many large women with large men? It seems to me like big women expect regular sized men to want them and when we don't, we're shallow. But, to answer your question, I love the way a woman feels in my arms when she is in shape. There is nothing better. When I can't wrap my arms around a woman and I feel is lots of flubber, it just feels gross.
  • I don't want my bones to get crunched.
  • Because they are wimps.
  • not most men,it all depends on personal attractiveness. i for one like fat women.
  • because some men would think you dont take care of yourself.
  • because most physical attractions are based on the outer appearance of your health. There are beautiful obese women but all obese people are unhealthy and that for most people makes them less sexually attractive. People are physically attracted to people they feel would make healthy successful children.
  • All these answers are b*llshit. Fat girls are unattractive. They just are. BUT, so are really skinny girls.
  • Same with obese men.
  • It’s a cultural thing based in archaic Christian morality that views gluttony as a deadly sin. In more recent times the fear or disapproval of obesity has been fueled by pseudo science that demonizes fat and its possible effects on the body. The fact is that in Neolithic and bronze age times many cultures revered fat women, this can be seen in the cultural art of the times. Our current obsession with thinness is caused in part by media propaganda that is fed to a brainwashed, brain dead populace interested only in materialism and image. It’s no secret that popular culture rewards the ultra thin while disapproving and penalizing the fat. Girls in the west are bombarded with messages and images from an early age that indicate that they are somehow less worthy if they are overweight. Guys see these images and messages as well they also see the effects of these messages on women and become brainwashed into thinking that only thin women can be attractive or desirable. Most men who vehemently dislike fat women cannot even give you a rational answer as to why the dislike them. They use arguments like a fat women’s alleged lack of self respect or a lack of concern for their own health as reasons to hate fat women. These arguments are complete bunk as it is a fact that just as many thin women have body image issues and health problems as the fats one do. In closing the real reason men find fat women unattractive is that they are conditioned that way by a culture that exploits their juvenile impressionability and their lack of understanding of the real human condition.
  • They need to go to the eyes doctor, obviously they can't see too well. Have their eyes checked and blink a few times.
  • What do you think ? Women should be in shape and pretty at all time. When they see foods, they should just try them instead of eating the whole plate, try a little bit here and there, that's it. Women !! don't be a pig, stay away from Halloween candies. Skip dinner if you can or just have a snack, breakfast and lunch are more important meals. If you plan to go out for dinner, don't eat too much during the day and exercise after dinner. As for men, they don't have to be in shape as long as they have brain, bald and fat no problems, women have them for security blanket. Thank God my hb is smarter than me (who isn't ? doesn't say much), at least he has common sense. The funny thing is he never criticize me how ugly I look any time of day. If I had a husband who is stupid as I am, I don't know where I gonna be right now, may be on welfare or homeless.

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