• I am so sorry about your bunny. I love my bunnies.(one of them my avitar) and I dont think I could even try to hurt them. A sorry I dont know how to help you. I hope you and your bunny are alright.
  • oh. wow. im so sorry. Release it?
  • carbon monoxide
  • don't u just try to help it even if u have some time left?? get it some TREATMENT not some free pain death...
  • Human sleeping pills.
  • this may sound a bit cruel, but the bunny will fell very little pain from this if you do it fast enough and correctly. take your hands have on of your hands grasp the base of the neck (note, this is not a strangle, so do not strangle it) have your other hand grasp the top of its neck. do this next step as quickly as possible, twist hands in opposite directions thus breaking its neck granting death instantanualy without pain.
  • You should not attempt any 'humane' killing of this rabbit because you are not skilled enough to follow the directions people are trying to give you, effectively. If you try to twist his neck you might end up putting him through even MORE pain, DO NOT ATTEMPT IT. If your vet is 6 hours away, drive him 6 hours to the vet. If not, just wait it out and make him as comfortable as possible. DO NOT try to snap the rabbit's neck or poison him if you have no idea what you are doing!
  • The method that was suggested to us by our vets for parrots, chickens, rodents, and rabbits (possibly anything rather small) is to place them in a plastic bag, heavy duty and start up your car. Hold the bag opening around the exhaust pipe and in a very short period your pet will be asleep and die quietly. We've used it a few times and it's very upsetting but sometimes you just ahve to do these things. It's good to be prepared to do them. We've also had to shoot a horse in the middle of the night in an emergency so this seems like an easy, kinder way to do it. The vets told us it is painless as death can be, just like going to sleep.
  • Wtf? DON"T touch that bunny's neck or let breathe fumes..thats crazy..go outside n get near your car's exhaust n tell me what your eyes n throat feel like while its running..n it's painless? Bull****...give him some kind of pain killer n let him die in peace..My bunny is dying also and has no use of her back legs at all but there's no way I would do that stuff to her..they have feelings ya know..thats the craziest stuff Ive ever read.
  • The least painful way would be drugs or gassing, but those may take a long time (minutes that the rabbit would be in pain and scared). Personal experience is that a quick breaking of the neck (and this sounds horrid) crushing of the skull is the quickest, and least tramatic to the animal. Do not try it if you are not familiar with the method though. It could lead to the last moments of the animal being horrid. The key is to disconnect to nervous system and let them die quickly. Also, hold the rabbit and tell him or her you love them before they die.
  • Hammer to the back of the noggin. Quick. Painless.

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