It has to do with the MTU (maximum transmission unit) setting in any or all of the following: your cable/dsl modem, your wired or wireless router, and/or your computer. You probably noticed that the disconnection occurs when viewing a profile that has uses a large amount of bandwidth for streaming music, movies, etc. Myspace is sending the data in packets that are too big for your computer to handle, so the Internet connection locks up. The best thing to do is change the MTU setting on your modem/router...if possible. If you can't change the settings on your modem or router, then you can change the MTU setting on your computer by editing the registry. Just make sure to create a Restore Point before you change anything in the registry...that way your registry is backed up in case you mess up. Bad registry = computer will no longer work. I've read that changing the MTU setting to 1492 will fix it, but I set mine to 1400 to be safe...and it fixed my problems! Follow the directions EXACTLY for changing the PPP (point-to-point) MTU setting (not the VPN). Here is the link with directions on changing the MTU setting in your computer's registry (assuming you have Windows XP):
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