• In order to sustain muscle growth, a bodybuilder must consume a higher amount of protein than an average person. Too much protein can have side effects, which is why this must be monitored carefully. How the protein is consumed is also important.


    Protein is a link of peptide bonds and amino acids that constructs and repairs bodily tissues.

    Bodybuilder Intake

    Average adults should consume 0.8 grams of protein for every kilogram (2.2 pounds) they weigh. Bodybuilders should consume at least one gram of protein for every kilogram. Ideally, they should aim to consume 1.6 to 2.0 grams for every kilogram of body weight.


    Protein is found in two forms: traditional foods and supplements. Bodybuilders should have safe supplements available so that they can consume protein right after finishing a workout. Supplements in pill form, protein shakes, and protein bars are acceptable.


    Consuming too much protein can have side effects, such as calcium depletion, fluid imbalance and energy loss.

    Expert Insight

    When consuming high-protein foods, try to eat more chicken and fish, as opposed to red meats. Chicken and fish have considerably lower fat content and are generally processed better.


    "NASM Essentials of Personal Fitness Training", Michael A. Clark, Ed.; Scott C. Lucett, Ed.; Rodney J. Corn; Ed., 2008.

    Protein for bodybuilders

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