Nintendo, Play Station Go Ni Chi Wa
I think about its food! I think about the views! I ask myself how would it be.
Pearl harbor.
Mount Fuji, the Red and White Flag, Hard Working People
the grudge... and that sound that lady makes in the movie... CrEEpY!!!
hentai,loli,doujin,manga,anime,food,culture. just to name a few things.
Advanced electronics and Japanese cars
Their Culture, The Samurai, Cherry Blossoms and WW2.
Alphaville.... . . .
The small elderly woman on a bus outside of Yokohama looked up at me and asked, "How long will you be in Japan?" I replied, 2 weeks. She thought for a moment looked up again and said, "Japan is very crowded". Apparently I was taking up too much space on the bus. I also rode the commuter train between Yokohama and Tokyo during rush hour. The door opened and there is no room to get on the train. I stood in the doorway and as the sliding door closed it rolled me into the train. Wedged against fellow train riders was very uncomfortable. You are pressed against someone in every direction.
How so many people live at one of the first atomic ground zeros, Akura, and now thanks to Old Schools answer Alphaville.
Mr Sparkle. Crazy shows and square watermelons. Shark fin soup. Big red dot.
sorry to generalise, but Japan is just a really wierd country. Not wierd in a bad way though, weird in a kooky cute sorta way.
David Sylvan
The earth quake.Japan s more prone to Quake.I was amazed by their Quake resistant Buildings.
Shinto, Hiroshige, exquisite design and art personified by the 5-eggs principle, the future, the pretty countryside of old Japan as shown by film director Hiayao Miyazake, the witchy-wizardy-trickstery-mythology, The 1980's and highrolling Tokyo, WWII and the striking similarities in Japan's history of naval empire and Britain's.
There's so much to think about! I would say their respect for fellow man. Akihabara. Sakura. Shibuya station in Tokyo. Ramen!
Mister Roboto.
I think of the beautiful traditional kimono that the women wear and the honorable Samurai who dedicated their lives to perfecting any and every art that they pursued. I think of the exquisite geisha women who were virtuous, graceful, elegant, and untouchable. I think of the captivating Sakura trees that bloom each and every year and the festival that usually accompanies this event. I think of the honorable, respectful Japanese people who have gained my respect and intrigued me since I was 6 years old. In modern times, I think of the technologic advances they've had. I think of the video games, manga, and anime that I love so much. I think of otaku, rice, and sushi. I think of the ancient temples so close to the most technologically advanced cities of our time. Japan is so diverse in culture that I can't help but love it! I <3 Japan!
ZHAPPPPPPPPPPPPPAAAAAAAAN, I think of the beautiful asian girls and the beautiful japanese cars.
Toyota, sushi, and Lost in Translation
Kyoto the ancient capital of Japan. Kobe steak house where Kobe Bryant got his name. Oda Nobunaga & his love of Go. Samurai, Ninjitsu, Daimo & Shogun. I think of a misled people who were very loyal to their leadership based upon old fashioned values who pursued a war against the USA. Sudoku, Anime and Origami are all original Japanese contributions. I think their women are quite beautiful too. I could go on and on.
Sailing a boat on Lake Hakone, the cedar trees at mountain shrines, the community hot tup at the monastary in Chi Chi Bu, the many toris, the uniformed school children, crowded traffic and streets without lane markings, the midnight sobu man pushing his creaking cart on cobblestones, the smells and sounds that are unique, the shrimp boats being pulled ashore and emptied, the Great Buddha at Kamakura, the unique cemeteries, the Washington Heights swimming pool on Sunday afternoons in the summer (in 1957), the crowded subways, the cherry blossoms tied to trees. And much more.
The film "Lost in Translation" with Bill Murray.
Kyu'shu, carpet flash, super happy fun time, things that are vertical that really shouldn't be.
anime and advanced technologies.. and of course :P this guy ^^ teppei-kun!
The honorable Samurai :)
Modern technology
Sushi, Mount Fuji, Toyota, Bonsai trees, baseball. Sony.
Samurai. And the cost of living in Japan is expensive.
Mazda RX-7s....
Skylines,200sx,sylvia's drifting on the moutains..........street racing.
An unhealthy degree of anime and bizarre sexuality.
In the Well of the Great Wave at Kanagawa
Sushi, Wasabi, Saki, WW2... (- -,)
okinawa, saki,
Beautiful Gardens and Temples
Lots of islands, the rising sun, chopsticks
Very crowded and lots of my friends.
Hirajuku square
Yummy food. Smart people. Ugly decorations and clothing.
Sushi and Anime/Manga.
Beautiful homes, kimonos, school girl outfits, martial arts, manga, anime and cherry blossom trees are the things I think of when I think of Japan.
My friend, Natsumi. I met her online, and we became such good friends.
I think it the Coolest Country ever and Sushi!!!
Emiko Tanaka ... current reigning Grande Master of Tanaka-Ryu Ninjitsu and my teacher ... she still runs the training centre in Nag-Omuru ... just up the coast from Nagasaki ...
Japan is the Switzerland of Asia Makes me think of Martial Arts and Raw fish and japanese flowr art.
Squinty eyes... and Japanese Food!! It's the best!! Yummy...
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