WTF ARE U SICK... well not u her.. real question is how would she no
You have 2 answers on here and they're both about balls. Are there some issues you need to deal with?
Nope. Tell your girl if she would pass out if a man squeezed her boob for like 10 secs. Some men and women are more sensitive than others to a good squeezing.
its possible but i would hope noone would try it
its possible but i would hope noone would try it
its possible but i would hope noone would try it
its possible but i would hope noone would try it
its possible but i would hope noone would try it
its possible but i dont think anyone should try it
Try it and see! I seriously doubt any guy would let her do that for 10 seconds without resisting. however I was trained that people on alcohol and some drugs (ie pcp) sometimes are not affected by a kick to the balls. So I guess it just depends on your substance of choice or whether you actually have balls.
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