• Good question, I wonder that myself. Sorry I don't have an answer, but here's a +5 for your question.
  • Shhhh. Don't ask these kinds of questions. Whenever you point out a logical fault or paradox in a religion you are being intolerant according to its believers. You have to have "faith," and its part of our tradition, and so on. Honestly though, the Catholic argument is that while God forbids the worship of the statues, he didn't forbid their use in religious practice. They are quick to mention that they don't worship statues, rather they use the statues/paintings as an aid to remind them of the actions of the Saint who is depicted. A pretty good article in defense of Catholic Idol Veneration: And here is one bashing it: I am an outspoken atheist, so I try to give all religions the benefit of the doubt when it comes to doctrine. In this case, the arguments the Catholic Church make are logical, and based on semantics correct. However, they have to admit that many people see the statues and paintings of Mary or the Saints as something more than art (or a focus).
  • Non-Catholics pray to a Cross. So what's the difference?
  • Prayer and worship are two different things. We worship the lord our God. We pray to our Saints for help and strength because I think God is too busy dealing with the more difficult problems. lol That's all I can think of, debodun. +4
  • 1. The Decalogue forbids idols, not representational religious art -- e.g., God through Moses goes on to command the Israelites to adorn the Ark with 2 Cherubim. And then there are the golden pomegranates on the high priest’s robe, the seraphim embroidered into the veil, the gold flower cups, buds, and blossoms of the Menorah, the horns of the altars, and the bronze bulls holding up “the sea” of Solomon’s temple, to list but a few. 2. Officially, Catholics and the Orthodox don’t worship saints, their images, or their relics. They “pray to” (which just means “to ask”) Saints in Glory to pray for them: there is no difference between this and asking your pastor or your Christian friends to pray for you … except the belief that a Saint’s intercession might be somehow more beneficial or efficacious. The *veneration* of saints, their relics, and images is supposed to be for the same reason as reading biographies of heroes of the Faith: to look to their example to draw encouragement and conviction. In practice, however, for millions of devotees it is a kind of idolatry no different than laying food, drink, flowers, incense, candles, smokes, etc. at the base of a Shiva-Lingam or Ganish for good luck.
  • The Catholic religion is a made up religion (I know I will get lot's of minuses) It is called Roman Catholic, because that is who invented it When Christianity started to become popular, the Romans were still worshiping there "gods", in order to appease the population, they invented the Catholic church. They made the holidays to correspond with Roman holidays, such as Easter (it was a celebration of fertility, thus the Easter Rabbit, and Easter Egg) The "Saints" were meant to replace specific gods, so you have a saint for travel (replacing mercury, who was the god of travel) I am posting an article that supports what I have here, mind you, I don't have anything against any person that is Catholic, to each his or her own, but facts are facts.
  • Short answer: Roman Catholics follow *their* own interpretation of the Bible, not someone else's. They also make the distinction between "prayer" and "worship". "Prayers to, devotions to, and veneration of the Virgin Mary and the saints are a common part of Catholic life but are distinct from the worship of God. Catholic teaching maintains that the Church exists simultaneously on earth (Church militant), in purgatory (Church suffering), and in heaven (Church triumphant); thus Mary and all other saints are alive and part of the living Church. This unity of the Church in heaven, in purgatory, and on earth is the "Communion of Saints". Explaining the intercession of saints, the Catechism states that the saints "... do not cease to intercede with the Father for us ... so by their fraternal concern is our weakness greatly helped." The Church holds Mary, as ever Virgin and Mother of God, in special regard. She is believed to have been conceived without original sin, and was assumed into heaven. These teachings, the focus of Roman Catholic Mariology, are considered infallible. Several liturgical Marian feasts are celebrated throughout the Church Year and she is honored with many titles such as Queen of Heaven (in Latin, Regina Coeli). Pope Paul VI called her Mother of the Church (in Latin, Mater Ecclesiae), because by giving birth to Christ, she is considered to be the spiritual mother to each member of the Body of Christ. Because of her influential role in the life of Jesus, prayers and devotions, such as the Rosary, the Hail Mary, the Salve Regina and the Memorare are common Catholic practices. The Church has affirmed the validity of Marian apparitions (supernatural experiences of Mary by one or more persons) such as those at Lourdes, Fatima and Guadalupe while others such as MeÄ‘ugorje are still under investigation. Affirmed or not, however, pilgrimages to these places are popular Catholic devotions." Source and further information:
  • Because there is a distinct difference between "praying to" and "worship" or "bowing down to". And a "graven image" is a material effigy that is worshipped. The key here is that it is a material object which is, in itself, worshipped. Saints are NOT worshiped. They are venerated...which means respected or revered. Asking the Saints to intercede is NOT a requirement to commune with, worship, or pray directly with God. Nor is it forbidden. From one site: "Many non-Catholic Christians believe that it is wrong to pray to the saints, claiming that our prayers should be directed to God alone. Some Catholics, responding to this criticism, have argued that we do not pray to the saints but with them. Both groups, however, are confusing prayer with worship. True worship (as opposed to veneration or honor) does indeed belong to God alone, and we should never worship man or any other creature as we worship God. But while worship may take the form of prayer, as in the Mass and other liturgies of the Church, not all prayer is worship. When we pray to the saints, we’re simply asking them to help us, by praying to God on our behalf, or thanking them for having already done so." If you do not have first hand experience with attending Catholic Mass and listening closely to the prayers and what is said, then I'd recommend doing so. Many people who ask such questions do so out of second hand, or hearsay, information. Much better to go to the source directly. Also, read the Missal and go through the Catholic Catechism on the subject. It is no secret. It's all their, plain to see.
  • What was the Ark of The Covenant... how about the memorial stones in The Book of Samual...ever look up what the word graven means???? Like the calf of gold right???
  • The ten commandments also say plenty of other ridiculous things, why single this one out?
  • Is that REALLY what the Ten Commandments "state"? Perhaps you should read them for yourself. ***Please read carefully***. Link: [[;NRSV]] Now that you have read that, please read the following chapter from the same Biblical book (just five chapters after the Ten Commandments). [[;NRSV]] Now: given what God in the Bible says, and what the author of Exodus teaches us, do you suppose that you have correctly explained that Commandment? Or do you suppose that you have misrepresented it?

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