• Forget the kid, I'd hire her on the spot for ME!!!
  • not being rude to all the women out there but i'd rather just cancel the thing and look after my baby :)
  • Is the stripper a good person? Is the stripper a drug addict? I don't give much concern to the stripper part, it's the rest of the person's character that matters. But, I doubt if I would let anyone but family watch any child of mine these days. I don't trust anyone to care enough about my kid like I would.
  • Only IF I knew that she was a good person. I would venture to say that not all strippers are immoral (I know that may sound like a paradox to some)
  • If I knew this stripper was trustworthy and got on well with my son, then yes, no problem. I don't judge people on their job, just because a person is a stripper or a pole dancer, does not in any way mean that they're a bad person, no more so than a school teacher or a nun. Although I can't possibly pay her the same fee she'd get in her job, so I don't see why she would do it in the first place (assuming it's a she). When it comes to strippers and pole dancers, you could judge them as quite savvy, it pays well, they're using what God/nature gave them, and they work nights meaning they can still see their kids during the day (if they have any), I wouldn't mind my son's babysitter being a savvy person, he may learn from them.
  • If I trusted her sure. She's a stripper not a Pedophile.
  • I would have to know this stripper before I'd let her take care of my child! I would have to know ANYONE that I was trusting to care for my child! If she was drug free, dressed appropriate, kind, caring, and TRUSTABLE then I sure would! But not just a stripper needs to pass a trust issue that applies to anybody! +5 john pennington!
  • I learned a long time ago not to judge someone just on their occupation, appearance, financial situation, etc. There are too many people who appear to be upstanding citizens and are the scum of the earth, and many who just listen to their own drummer, but are the most honest and trustworthy individuals I've ever known.
  • NO. Nor would I allow someone to watch my baby if he had sexually assaulted my wife, who has declared my infant daughter to be his "soulmate", and who has "imprinted" himself on my infant daughter so he will be his mate. Oh, wait...sorry! I got a little side tracked there... I suppose a stripper would be pretty innocuous by comparison.
  • I don't have kids and I try not to judge people's scruples by what they do for a living but I also don't use a wrench to hammer a nail either....use the right tool for the job, pick the right person for the job. If it came to a situation where I could not find someone I felt was appropriate I wouldn't leave them or I would take them with me.
  • Of course, I wouldn't have to worry about them falling asleep because they are used to staying up late.
  • Their profession (except a drug dealer) would not influence that decision. It would depend on how well I knew that person, any person, that I would trust with the care and safety of a child. The people that may come and go could be a factor as well.
  • Yeah, you just allow this person. I guess allowing this person's simply a law of nature
  • Sure. People have this horribly wrong idea that kids should be antiseptic until 19. What's this woman going to do with kids? Probably babysit them, just like asked.

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