• After the horrendous genocides, Germany has decided to outlaw anything that symbolises Nazism from Holocaust Denial to Hitlers "Kampf" / Struggle to annihilate the Jewish people. "Mein Kampf," or "My Struggle," is banned from sale, but it can be found in libraries for research purposes.
  • "Mein Kampf" translates to "My Struggle", Hitler's autobiography of his rise to power. Many post WW2 Germans are embarassed by the atrocities committed by Hitler and the Third Reich altogether and banned propaganda from that era. One of my close friends in Germany told me it is a big no-no to even discuss it anymore.
  • It's understandable. I'm against it but if I was German I would want no connection whatsoever with Hitler.
  • It is banned because of the guilt that germany feels for the holocaust. They don't want to have to deal with neo-nazi's. However, it should not be banned. The reason that we study history it to not make the same mistakes that we have in the past. Because of this, people should read it to see what a madman thinks like, and how we can see what the hatred he has resulted in. I have read parts of it, and it is strange to see what he was thinking. Don't rate this question down. It is a legitamate one. edit: Nevermind. I read some of his other questions. he is just spreading anti-semitic views. Usually, in modern times, the nazis are dealt with by the rest of the people. In the US, nazi's can march, but anti-Nazi's can counter march. In ann arbor, michigan, when my parents lived there, the nazi's marched, but they ended up barricaded in buildings, trying to escape from the multi-thousand person crowd that was following them. Notice the guy with a pipe. Nazi's are dealt with democratically. The police ended up having to save them.
  • Because the Germans are so ashamed of their past that they go to any lengths to avoid it they can, short of flat out denial. In an attempt to save their image after WWII they have outlawed anything that could ever promote the German Nazi stereotype. I've read Mein Kampf, though, and the book, can easily be seen as glorifying Hitler. The Germans don't even want to be in the same room with somebody who will think of Hitler, let alone allow a book that makes him seem like less of a monster.
  • I do not know if it is banned in a way that you must not own a copy or have to destroy it. For sure you cannot sell or publish it. Like other symbols and gestures from the third reich, that are forbidden to display or use (Hitler greeting and Swastica e.g.). The reason goes back to the time when the allies dis-nazi-fied Germany (that's a translation of the word "Entnazifizierung"). Documents, medals, signs, flags, books etc. of people who were in the NSDAP party or worked for the goverment, police, post office, city hall and smilar had to proof that they became "Nazi free". The houses were inspected by the allied forces, documents, books and medals were confiscated. Those laws have never been changed or touched. In my opinion there is no need to ban the book, I tried to read it (in German, my mother tongue). I failed after a few pages. That guy knew how to write a book, that no one wants to read. It is horribly and boring written, and content is something that you need to search for.
  • the book is an embarrassing to the germainic populas
  • It is forbidden in Germany to be part of the Nazi movement part of that ban extends to propaganda and pro-nazi literature. Mein Kampf certainly fits that role.
  • The book's title is "Mein Kempf", you've misspelled it. The book is banned as is everything associated with Nazism. The country rose up, tried to take over the world, and committed a horrific genocide under the leadership of the author, Adolf Hitler.
  • At the end of WW2, Germany had become "re-educated". That means that they were forced to adopt a lifestyle and political views similar to the West. Anyone who didn't was severely punished. In an effort to prevent any new neo-nazi groups from forming, the book was banned. Neo-nazis, however, do not emulate Hitler's political views except where the Jews are concerned. But even that aspect is different because Hitler had a reason for hating Jews - and he didn't exterminate them. He wanted to relocate them out of Germany. Neo-nazis believe that Hitler hated for no other reason than to hate. Hitler wasn't against blacks, although he did draw a line at homosexuality - Germany was a highly moral society. Neo-nazis hate everyone who isn't white ("Aryan"). The German government is wrong in its assessment of Mein Kampf. The book is little more than an autobiography and in the two volumes, there is not a single utterance about exterminating Jews.
  • First and Foremost: like most nations other than the U.S., Germany does NOT legally protect freedom of speech. (Note that they DO legally protect the freedom of certain CATEGORIES of "speech", but not all of them as does the U.S.) *** Second: the (West) German government that the Germans put together following WWII was intent on disabling any attempt by Nazis to regain power. Remember: Hitler created a popular "cult following" in his very long term of office. The new government did NOT want a political party preaching, "Hitler was right, we need to re-take control of Germany and do what he wanted us to do", one bent on World conquest, which IF it retook control would almost inevitably involve the country in the losing end of yet another such war. Imagine how the Allies would react if, within 5 years of Nazi Germany's defeat, the Nazi party once again took control of the country. Not to mention that such a government would lead to a return of the many hardships that the typical German suffered during the war. *** SO: NOT being hindered by a powerful legal protection of all free speech, the new government did their very best (and CONTINUES to do so), using rule of law according to their constitution, to suppress any and all resurgence of Nazism, especially in the political arena. *** SO: not only is "Mein Kampf" banned, but so is the Swastika, the Nazi Party or any group EXPLICITLY IDENTIFYING itself as "Nazi", etc. etc. There ARE neo-Nazis in Germany, but such groups typically have to abide by many laws that are designed to suppress overt Nazism and Hitlerism. Such groups typically have innocuous titles and presumably meet "in secret" when bringing up their true agenda of restoring a Nazi government of Germany.
    • Army Veteran
      The Germans never "put together" a German government after the war. The government was dictated by the West (allies) and for the most part, followed the Morganthau Plan. Contrary to what people believe about the West being so "helpful" in helping to re-establish a new government in Germany, the Germans were treated much worse than they were accused of treating the allies. This link presents the truth about what happened. It is not some kind of propaganda out of Hollywood and has no actors. It is actual film footage and stories from the ones who experienced it. If people would lay their bias aside just long enough to realize that there are two sides to every story (including WW2, which has been suppressed), they might understand not just what happened after WW2, but how it affects the world today. (Viewer discretion advised - if you're easily offended or don't want to see anything that makes you uncomfortable, you may not want to watch it.)
  • Because it killed almost 10M Germans and is a permanent stain on the history its people.
  • according to google its not. As per German copyright law, the entire text entered the public domain on 1 January 2016, upon the expiration of the calendar year 70 years after the author's death. Owning and buying the book in Germany is not an offence.
    • Army Veteran
      LOL! - Kudos to the one who does his homework.
    • ★Stevo
      What has gone wrong ? We have idoits teaching diplomias in dickheadmanship? Its as believeable as when 2 dicks best mate tells you ever word he says is true. Im a hick from the back blocks and I can notice this?
    • ⭐️Creamcrackered
      LOL! "Diplomas in dickheadmanship!"

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