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  • Its a guy thing. it is him in a makes him feel more masculine. plus guys just like seeing their jizz in their girls face. it honestly just makes him feel like he is dominating you. if that bugs you then tell him, if it doesnt then just role with it. you could always smear your vagina on him and do the same back to him. but if i wasnt in the mood to have sex i wouldnt let my boyfriend force me into it. not that he would...just talk to him about it if it bugs you. but honestly...its a normal thing for guys to do.
  • That is OK if it is part of your sex play. Often talking dirty to the girl is part of it. It is not OK if he really has a low opinion of you. Talk to him about how you feel. Don't let him degrade you, unless you want it of course. Sometime my wife and I engage in "degrading" sex but it is mutual.

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