I would because i am a good person....
Yeah. We could blame one president for how stuff sucks, but letting him die isn't gonna fix that problem. I'd help him anyways.
I would help GW Bush or Bill Clinton. Just because I may disagree with a persons policies doesn't mean I should not be kind and help someone.
I'd give him a ride to the ER on the poor side of town
of course. no one deserves that
Wow, seeing some of the answers here has helped restore my faith in humanity =) Even with the stuff that happened during his presidency, I would still help him anyway.
Sure. But I'd ask if he wanted help first.
First, I'd make him properly pronounce the word Nuclear.
Of course -- I would help almost anyone (except Rush Limbaugh -- well I might throw him a bag of Cheetos if it was Rush).
Yes. And I would give him an earful on the way to wherever he needed to go. And expect payment for gas, 'cause that shit ain't free (as he should well know).
Yes. And, I wouldn't even bend his ear about government and politics. I figure that's how he got on the side of the road in the first place. Everyone deserves help when they are suffering on the side of the road.
Of course, good nature calling..
Yes. I would help anyone in that situation.
Of course the poor fellow is stuck on the side of the road. Today's political climate prevents anyone from walking down the middle of the road.
Sure. Now, if it was Obama, I'd put him in Ted Kennedy's car and take a little drive to Chappaquiddick.
Just because I didn't vote for him and didn't agree with his politics, I wouldn't be completely heartless. Of course I'd call for help.
you bet
Yes, although I'd make him sign a statement promising not to sue me if something went wrong. :-)
Yes. I would offer him my assitance and make sure he was alright.
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