• It's varied but here are my personal feelings (as a Buddhist). I do believe that there was a man that we now call Jesus (that's the Greek version of his name). As a historical figure he was certainly influential, but certainly not divine. If we trust the veracity of the New Testament (which I don't), then some of his teachings were certainly good (giving to the poor, being a peaceful person, etc.), but most of his core teachings (about the Jewish god, then afterlife, etc.) are irrelevant to me as a Buddhist since I don't believe in those things . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In response to the comment by Astaroth, I repeat that these are my personal feelings as a Buddhist. Respecting another's beliefs does not mean that you have to agree with them. I respect the right of Christians to believe what they do, but that doesn't change the fact that I do not believe in their god or afterlife. I'm sure (s)he disagrees with many other religions. Does that make him/her a hypocrite?
  • I consider him a Bodhisattva. "An enlightened being who, out of compassion, forgoes nirvana in order to save others." In this case, the others are Christians who for one reason or another can't accept any other path to nirvana than that of a God and a Saviour. It is their, and his, karma to play out.
  • There is no one way that all Buddhists regard Jesus Christ, because the teachings of Buddha do not say that you should or should not, can or cannot worship a god or follow another religion. Everyone who follows those teachings is left to his or her self to decide how to regard Jesus Christ or anyone else. Buddha didn't teach about religions, he taught awareness and how through awareness, human suffering can be alleviated. In the teachings of the Buddha one does not find instruction on how to regard God or any religious figure. That is why there is no one particular way Buddhists would regard Jesus Christ. Buddha left that up to the individual. Buddha never claimed to be a god, prophet or even a saint. Some sects of Buddhism do pray to or worship the Buddha as a deity, but that has nothing to do with Buddha's teachings, it's something that other people decided to do later. Note that I am referring only to the Buddha's teachings. As for Buddhism itself, there many sects which have their own sets of beliefs and practices that they add into the teachings of Buddha. Some of those sects may promote their own beliefs and systems of beliefs under what they call "Buddhism" and those beliefs may include some specific way to regard Jesus.
  • The varied regard of Him is as diverse as there are Buddhist, I would suppose. I am a Buddhist. I also believe that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and, due to my study of Buddhism feel that I have gained a greater understanding of what that means. As well as when God told Moses, "I am that I am." Jesus "holds all things together by the word of His power", He is the "Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End." And I am a Christian.
  • With respect, in most cases.
  • it isn't how anyone regards him. it comes down to faith in all things not seen. Is Jesus the way? Yes, for me he is and my faith lets me feel that. God has many saints, angels, and prophets. Buddha is one of them. We all worship differently. We all speak differently etc. Buddha left it up to his followers to seek out their own truth.I feel Jesus is the Lord, he died so we can live. He gave of himself to save humanity. He instructed man on how he can seek salvation thru the Father. All that belongs to God is with him through free will. All that dwell with him and the son do so through free will. All saints,angels,and prophets teach free will.Buddha taught through the principle of free will. Jesus taught and sacrificed. No one needs to regard him. He is who he is.If you choose to accept that fine,if you don't that's fine also. Any being that teaches an enlighten path does so through the teaching of a higher source, to reach a desired destination. Heaven, Nirvana, can be attained to high levels in the flesh, but in the spirit it is everlasting. The Bible, The Koran, Buddha's teachings, The Tao. In all,they speak of a path that leads to nirvana. He sent his only son to die and prove this. The resurrection speaks of Christ attaining Godliness through death and sacrifice. We were saved by his choice to die for us. Yes, God is free will even to his son. We benefited because he chose to save us. We can choose to reach Heaven and Nirvana,how we get there is up to us. I embrace Buddha's teachings and Lao-Tzu's teachings as well. I accept Jesus as my Savior and I worship his father Jehova. I know that all that is good has a master, a creator, a source.It's not what we regard,thatleads to confusion and sorrow. It's understanding the connection between the source and yourself that leads to a meaningful journey.
  • Courteously?! ;-)
  • This has been a great walk in my life, I regard them as one, to date with over 34 years of research, I find an amazing similarity between Buddha and also Jesus Christ. Why? In my travels, and also carrying the bible in the translated versions of the New Testament, in talking with people of both faiths... I find an all warming similarity betwen both teachings, or perhaps a faith that lives between Christians and Buddhist, at least from Thailand. I am authority in these realms? No not for a moment, but in the best ideals that I have they teach the ideals of maybe, to hold what has been spoken of the inheritance, and passing this on, not to fall short of teaching people. I did this in Thailand, with a wife's family, it was a long run, others wanted to sell what they had, to gain, but instead I chose to purchase it and return it the parents. I was invited back, and in all honesty, it was offered to me, that I may have it. I turned it away because my heart was not in whatthose had before me, but to teach a principle first. I have never regretted this ideal in my my life yet... I found a great resound in what I did because of the principles that Jesus taught in scriptures... So the ideal will be where do we takeit from here.... Honor of the parents is a great signal, or the children do not repect? this is an answer we all look for, but I never regret this walk in my life.. Just a thought? you decide... Kilosierra
  • Without animosity.
  • I am guessing that they laugh... just an educated guess *.*
  • READ HERE! There are many different takes on Jesus Christ from the Buddhist religion (because there are many forms/branches of buddhism, and there are also other religions which hold to a lot of the same and simular views). What's more important is the fact that no buddist (like the ones above who say they are "Christian and Buddist" or "believe both") embraces what Christ taught. To try to fuse both views reults in a view that contradicts itself and therefore is self refuting (or in other words self destructive); it denies the laws of logic (such as, a thing can not Be and Not Be at the same time and in the same relationship). To speak practically, here is an example: Jesus proclaimed that there is one God; that this God is infinite and eternal, that there is no end to His wisdom, knowledge, power, justice (which is based on His own eternal self existance), love, faithfulness, and kindness; that He is spirit; that He created all that is; that God is personal in regards to His creation (including His creatures); that God is the only holy, self-sufficient, all knowing, all-powerful, ever present, good, just, loving, wrathful, merciful, faithful, and kind creator and sustainer of all that is; that He perfectly ordains all of the affairs of history and that He does all for His own glory and eternal holy pleasure, and that this God is three co-eternal, simultaneous persons, equal in essence, yet distinct in role and relationship: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit: one being, three persons; that God the the Son came in the form of a man that He might live the perfect life that no man has ever lived (a life in perfect harmony and love with the Father from birth to death, never once doubting God, doing anything that is in conflict with God's eternally holy and loving image and will, or taking any attention from all senses off of God, and walking perfectly in the spirit (through the eternal Holy Spirit), never once, for one second, taking His spiritual eyes off of God the Father), then that Jesus would take the sins (the darkness that roots from our dead hearts and our dead hearts themselves (which are in conflict with the holy image of God (which is why we have suffering) which means that our dead hearts have offended God which means that God being eternal is eternaly offended by our dead hearts (which is who we are: our darkened hearts leaks out of all our senses and into the real world, even those who "ignore" all these things, follow the eight fold path, and attain "nirvana", are merely hardening their hearts to God (remember what was written above, God is spirit and can not be seen by human senses (including the sixth) but only by the Spirit, but our spirits are dead (we'll get to that)) on an extreemly deep level by elevating the peace of seeing things (creation: everything that is, thoughts, morals, emotions, space, time, senses, reason, wisdom, knowledge, light, animals, human love and compassion and kindness, etc.) for what they are -having let go of everything and also seeing the "emptyness" inbetween everything (which is really the lack of seeing God's Spirit inbetween everything, which is not good) supressing God's spirit all the more) so back to Jesus, that He came in the form of a man, lived a perfect life unto God, went onto the cross, took the sins of His people (those chosen before the foundations of the world by God) upon Himself on the cross, inwhich God the Father poured out His just wrath on His own Son, and thus Jesus suffered the eternity of God's wrath on the cross (in a mysterious way that only Jesus could do because He is eternal in spirit), and then died the death that we deserved, then rose from the grave and thus eternally conquring death, ascended into heaven and now sits at the right hand of God almighty forever interceding for His children, in eternal love, awaiting His second coming when He will fulfill the other prophecys written about Him perfectly (just like He fulfilled the prophecys (All of them, perfectly) that were written about Him hundreds and thousands of years before His first coming), and this reality (of what Jesus Christ the God-man in history has done, and spoken) should consern us, because Jesus Christ also preached that all those who do not turn to Him in repentance and faith shall perish forever (F-O-R-E-V-E-R, let that sink in for a second, really think about that, really try to understand, grasp this! FOREVER is FOREVER), Jesus said that those who do not turn to Him in repentance and faith shall be 1 severed from God (the source of all life) forever, and 2 be under the eternal wrath of God -which is infinite and never ends, for all eternity (the worst experience anyone could ever imagion (times infinity)). Now you see how the views that Jesus Christ carried were infinitely different then the views buddha carried. There is a peace to letting everything go that I can not describe, and as a former buddhist I tell you that the peace from reaching nirvana is indescribable, but it's NOTHING compared to the peace I now have with Jesus Christ whom I have come to know as the Son of God, who has restored my infinitely poor soul To God, who is a man of His word, a man of truth, the God man, the way, the truth, and the life. In the life of the Christian (the true Christian: one who has given his entire life to Christ -No Exeptions, complete surrender and confession that Jesus is the Son of God), I am telling you this, we get the peace that buddhist get but MORE! (we let go of everything, but to gain CHRIST, who give eternal peace to ALL who will turn to Him including me! and you! When the buddhist lets go of everything, he gains insight to the things of this world but is still desensitised to the things of the spiritual realm where God reigns forever, the buddhist gets a peace from letting go of everything and seeing and acknowledging that he is one with this "emptyness" the "impersonal consiousness" can I please tell you that this "emptyness" is n0t empty, in concerns with all the six senses yes, but the spirit of God almighty is there! that "impersonal consiousness" is not impersonal, there is a God and this God loves, and He loves you, in this way: that He gave His only Son to DIE and suffer the ETERNAL JUST WRATH of GOD almighty Himself So That ANYONE who will turn to Him will be saved, will be forgiven for our dead souls that go lengths and lengths to suppress Him, will be given Eternal Love, Eternal Happiness, Eternal Treasures that will never fade, will be given eternal life! Forevermore, and if this doesn't strike you then pray to God to show Himself to you! Pray and don't stop, because how ever awesome being in the presence of the eternal God who has eternal love and who knows no end, that much more horrible and terrifying and utterly miserable -infinitely, will Hell be.) God bless (and believe!)

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