Ask all those people that still can't find a job. :(
Not even close. At least one more year or two
No but I still have plenty of hair :>)
What recession? We're all SAVED with the Messiah in office.
No, not for a long time.
You'll know this recession is over when the next one starts.
Governments the world over are printing money like mad and trying to buy their way out of this recession. If not for that we would officially be in a global depression. I'm not an economist, but my gut tells me there will be repercussions to this - likely a further weakening of the financial system and a prolongation of the "recession".
no , i don't think so. It's comin' around again though, just gotta hang tough.
One of Obama's biggest Keynesian cheerleaders, Laura D'Andrea Tyson is actually predicting a Double-Dip recession. Wow. I'll need a waffle cone and some chocolate sprinkles.
The recession took 8 years to fully develop and is a result of policies that took the eight years of the Reagan presidency to start. We are years away from complete recovery and it is likely that the American public will blame Obama for the problems. If we don't get smart and start improving, it is likely that another Republican will be elected to derail the process. Don't forget the goal is to consolidate wealth and power and transfer labor intensive production into countries where the labor force can be better controlled. The population of the U.S. will become paper pushers and menial labor, and the labor movement will become illegal, The common people are to follow orders and the elite will take their "rightful" place as leaders of America Inc.. I expect our main export will be sports figures and movie stars.
I don't see any light at the end of the tunnel yet. :(
Nope. But I stayed in a Holiday Inn Express last night. :):)
it is on an upswing i have witnessed this personally with the clients i work with.
Not hardly!
I have heard on the radio that the stock market is recovering and that the housing market is on the rebound but I'll reserve judgment until I see it personally... +5
Is the overpopulation over?
yes it is now over and we are back in business.
Stock market is up, but thats looks so fake to me. the economy should be up and then the market!!!! I dont understand this nonsense.
No. This is just the first step in the longterm planning of the leftist coup. The recession will not be over til it segways into a depression.
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