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Keithold, if given a reasonable time, I think I could find my way either in or out of any place, anywhere, any time...(smile)
So far I've been able to. But who knows? There maybe a day when Iam not so lucky.......+5 for your question.
Never tried but it sounds like fun :D
I would give it my best try.
Half the time i cheat :D
yep just take a pair of sheers lol
Only sometimes. It depends on the sophistication of the maze. A simple maze (with no circular paths) is no problem. Just tedious.
I hope so.
i can and love them. i like the real ones you get to walk through those are killer !
Depends on the maze, of course.
If it is a one-level maze and the exit and the entrance are on a perminter wall, then the solution is to hug one wall (either the left or right) from the entrance to the exit. If the maze is more than one level, or the exit or entrance is not on a perimiter wall, then the solution isn't guaranteed. If you can simulate purely random decisions at each intersection, you'll eventually reach the exit.
Oh hell yeah. I've been playing role playing games and dungeon crawlers for years, and it built a compass in my head. When I play video games that include labyrinth like dungeons, I barely ever use whatever compass like feature or onscreen maps that the game may offer. Of course I refer to it every now and then, but heck a lot of dungeon crawlers like to include parts of some dungeons that are unlit, and you navigate it in the dark, and I map it all in my head, at least, temporarily, until I get out, or progress forth. Phantasy Star-no graph paper for me. *Sheepish smile.*
I haven't found my way out of my life-maze yet, but I think I'm getting nearer. +3
I love them, but sometimes it does take me awhile to get to the other side
Yep! no problem! :-)
ahhh, i seeeeeee!!!! this is a trick question. am i really in a maze?
I have.... hard but I can do it.
Yes. I love mazes.
depends on what kind it is
Probably not. I can't even find my way out of an Ikea
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