Yes.My poor little kitty is afraid of alot of things.She hates the toaster,and the vacuum the most,though.I try my best to comfort her,but she is still scared.Awwwwwe.:>(**:):)*+++++*
Mine used to be terrified of the vacuum cleaner. She's still afraid of it, but no longer runs and hides!
The Beagle hates the lawn mower, though I would not say he is "afraid" of it. I just put him in the house when I mow.
My cat is terrified of the vacuum cleaner, also the TV but I think it's because he's traumatized from two weeks ago when a balloon exploded right next to the TV...he hasn't gone anywhere near since
Oh, yes! the hoover.
My puppy is afraid of the vacuum and I think the oven. One time, my dog out of nowhere headbutt the oven. Maybe he thought it was a portal or something, or because he saw his reflection :)
My little Ebby is totally terrified of the T.V., but ONLY when the "weekly emergency test" of the National Warning System (with it's "high pitched" buzzer) goes off! She runs to the back of the house, and stays there for (at least) several hours.
Vaccumn cleaner, egg-beater and hair dryer tend to be the worst offenders ~ different ones for different cats.
All seem to hate Vacuum cleaners. At last until they get older.
lmao yup. my dog scurries from the vacuum.. hides in corners and runs around like a nut
My cats are afraid of the portable vacuum cleaner.
poor wee doggy, the vacuum cleaner......
no my huskey just looks at me and leaves the room he don't really care too much about anything that is noisey, but my retriever is so curious that he just gets in the way, when i vacume i have to put him outside because he wants to play.
Spoony absolutely HATES the vacuum. She thinks the thing truly sucks!
Both of my cats are afraid of the vacuum cleaner.
Both our puppies hate the Roomba (Robot vacuum) with a passion. Sometimes when attacking it they hit the 'on' button and it starts moving, then the puppies promptly whimper and hide.
Our dog is afraid of the vacuum cleaner.
lol mine run at the sight of vacuum forget turning it on..... i love you........not ya.......but you...............there i said it...............
The 1st nine (9) responses I've read have to deal w/ vacuum cleaners. I refuse to be a repetitive unimaginative jerk, so I'm gonna make something up outta 'whole cloth', as it were = my tropical fish are afraid of the garbage disposal? ;-)
My rotty gets a bit freaked out when i start the blower vac and aim it his *space*.
Yes, one of my dogs Is afraid of the washing machine, everytime I turn It on.
My cats + vacuum cleaner = YIKES! To them it's "The Closet Monster"! lol! :)
My wife afraid?
Yes, the vacuum cleaner.
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