• As a Brit I have to say the English version is correct and should be used at all times ;0) Not a case of preference just that it is the Queens' English and should be respected as such. Of course, Americans will downrate me for that and tell you different.....Lol
  • There is not really any such thing as "correct" English.In the British Isles alone there are a dozen regional accents. I speak and write British English with a Scottish Lowland accent.However, most computer software uses American English andso it is probably best for foriegners to use this. Basically, in the UK,we use a combination of both British and American English.
  • i prefer the british english.+5
  • If you think this is confusing, try being Canadian, where half of the spelling is English and half is American! In general, when in doubt, I go for the English spelling.
  • English.
  • British English, The American version was merely their way of exerting their independence.

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