Because if foot size is indicative of the size of his.......
Some people are extremely materialistic and shallow. I had a woman turn me down because she didn't like my shoes once lol.
you know what they say about guys with big shoes=]
i have noticed the longer the shoe the longer the other parts.
You can tell a lot about a person by their shoes men especially.
cleanliness .
becuz they are not smart enuff to look at a guy's personality first or becuz they might be shallow. :)
Perhaps there is something they find unatractive in a guy with sox and sandals ;) There can much told of a person and or their personality by their sense of dress ... beginging with shoes. Peace
Well, you know what they say.. ^^ The bigger the shoes, the bigger the feet... The bigger the feet... The bigger the... Shoes... =P
To see if he has big feet.
Because most woman have a shoe fetish!
Bodys are symmetrical yo... ;)
Big hands, big feet, big... er... heart.
Some women, my wife for one, just have a thing for shoes.
I love shoes! I look at everyones shoes honestly.
I look at a mans shoes to see if they are dirty or clean, up to date or not, work shoes or boots, Or I do nothing all day shoes. I dont care about the size because i have been let down by that myth before, and for me I hate big feet and long shoes, after a shoe gets to a certain length it stops being a turn on, because big long shoes usually start to curl up at the tip after a few wears and i think that looks stupid. But thats just me.
Can't say i've ever looked at a guys shoe's before going out with him haha. Unless it was subconcious.. ;) Lol i really dont get it.
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