Yes, once on an archeological dig. Then they discovered it was Lyndon B. Johnson
I believe there were some huminoid fossils found in Indonesia that were very large. It's been a long time sense I heard this but I think it's accurate.
Some large humaniod bones have been found, but a whole skeleton is just too much to realistically hope for. Many archeologist probably go to sleep dreaming of finding a whole skeleton! The bones found are obviously not H. sapien, but previous relatives of modern day humans. Gigantopithecus blacki is prehaps the largest primate to have ever lived, at around 3 metres. The height was calculated mostly from the skull and teeth sizes, using skull to height ratio. It is difficult to accuratly compare sizes, as modern humans are tall and getting taller. This is probably due to better nutrition and health care. So to be accurate we would have to place a prehistoric humaniod in modern conditions or vice versa. Which is quite difficult! But the values obtained are probably a good estimate. However, the fossil record suggests that most humaniods were similar in size to us, if not slightly shorter. Still Gigantopithecus blacki must have been a terrifying site at 3 metres! The BBC science and nature education site provides an excellent overview of many of the most important humaniods, and lists evidence for them:
[A weird, albeit cool question] Yes! I live in Florida, and the history of the indiginous people suggests, very strongly, there were giants amongst the Indians! Although the tribe were normal sized...The chiefs were "huge". Some newspaper headlines..."1879, some Indiana archaeologists dug into an ancient burial mound at Brewersville, Indiana, and unearthed a human skeleton that measured nine feet eight inches in length. A mica necklace still hung around the giant's neck. The bones, which were stored in a grain mill, were swept away in the 1937 flood." In 1925, several amateurs digging in an Indian mound at Walkerton, Indiana, uncovered the skeletons of eight very ancient humans measuring in height from eight to almost nine feet. All eight giants had been buried in “substantial copper armor.” In 1833, some soldiers digging a pit at Lompock Rancho, California, unearthed a twelve-foot giant with a double row of teeth, both uppers and lowers. The Lompock giant's teeth, while unusual, were not unique. For another ancient skeleton later found on Santa Rosa Island off the California coast showed the same dental peculiarity. 1879, some Indiana archaeologists dug into an ancient burial mound at Brewersville, Indiana, and unearthed a human skeleton that measured nine feet eight inches in length. A mica necklace still hung around the giant's neck. The bones, which were stored in a grain mill, were swept away in the 1937 flood. In 1925, several amateurs digging in an Indian mound at Walkerton, Indiana, uncovered the skeletons of eight very ancient humans measuring in height from eight to almost nine feet. All eight giants had been buried in “substantial copper armor.” In 1903, on an archaeological outing at Fish Creek, Montana, Professor S. Farr and his group of Princeton University students came across several burial mounds. Choosing one to dig in, they unearthed the skeleton of a man about nine feet long. Next to him lay the bones of a woman, who had been almost as tall. When his army reached the province of Senora, Coronado dispatched some men to the coast to search for the supply ships. The party sighted no ships, but they did return with a friendly Indian who stood so tall as to astonish the Spaniards. In his history, Pedro de Castaneda, a member of the expedition, mentions this event in these words: "Don Rodrigo Maldonado, who was captain of those who went in search of the ships, did not find them, but he brought back with him an Indian so large and tall that the best man in the army reached only to his chest. It was said that other Indians were even taller on the coast." This giant evidently belonged to the Seri, a great tribe of Indians who occupied the island of Tiburon and the adjacent Sonora coast on the Gulf of California. Bernal Diaz del Castillo, who served in the army of Hernan Cortes during his conquest of Mexico while relating to the Latins something about their history, the Tlaxcatecs mentioned that a race of enormous size had once inhabited their land. "They said their ancestors had told them that very tall men and women with huge bones had once dwelt among them. And to show us how big these giants had been they brought us the leg-bone of one, which was very thick and the height of an ordinary-sized man. I measured myself against it, and it was as tall as I am. They brought other pieces of bone of the same kind, but they were all rotten and eaten away by the soil. We were all astonished by the sight of these bones and felt certain there must have been giants in that land." Hhmmmm!
- here but they weren't real.
Yes, the bones of giants have been found. Here are some websites that have information on giants. Also there is a small book with a few pictures, "Lost World of Giants" by Jonathon Gray that is interesting, but very short.
yep heres a site and picture.(It's in the Bible too.)
Yes. Unfortunately most of them when discovered were quickly reported to the authorities who just as quickly dipatched them to the deepest reccesses of the Smithsonian Institute. Reportedly, early American settlers regularly found such remains while plowing their fields. Some of them recorded their findings in their personal journals but no one seems to know where the actual remains ended up. As these remains represented a threat to the status quo and conventional religious beliefs of the majority of people the authorities probably wanted to avoid having to answer the troubling questions they might generate.
They were not giants. Think about it . In the early begings of man , there was only like 30psi of gravity on man , and all other living things. The Earth air and atmosphere were just about pure as possible. Also vitamines and minerals were rubust in everyway. Look to the dinosuars. They were huge and could survive on little oxygen and food. The world doen not want anyone to belive that man at one time was giant. Why? Becuase it would prove to the world That God , and Jesus Christ are real , and evolution is fiction. The Bible will tell you all you need to know .
jasonp32779, The reason why animals were able to grow to such large scale is because the they lived in an oxygen rich environment. It was much richer then the environment that we live in today. So your statement is false.
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