• You may have inverted nipples. As long as they stand out when you rub them, they're fine.
  • That isn't all that uncommon. For many women, they stay that way until first pregnancy. Nursing pulls them out too. It can be a little hard for a newborn to latch onto the first time, but they figure it out and once you've been nursing a few days, they are permanently out. Don't feel like you need to hurry and get pregnant to "fix" it. Its just a normal variation.
  • Sounds like inversion. If theyb stand out when you rub them then try rubbing them often, go without a bra and let the fabric of your clothes rub them for you. If they don't stand out at all then you can get small rubber rings to put over them inside your bra and that will help to keep them out. Sorry but I can't remember the name of the ring thingys!
  • I have Nipple Suction devices that helped my partial inverts come out more, still working on them!
  • as your doctor about it

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