if i told you it wouldnt be a secret anymore, now would it
To learn how to like rare meat.
sometimes i just want to go find this one guy, grab him by the hand, catch a bus to the airport and go live with him away from everyone in the world so no one would know me anymore and I could start over and have him there with me.
Getting my ex BF back.
To reach financial independence before the year has ended.
That my ex-boyfriend will one day realise how tremendously stupid he was for treating me badly, for cheating on me, and that the magnitude of what he threw away - and what he'll never have again - hits him like a sack of bricks.
Winning the Lotto, millions of dollars, move to Austin, Texas and have a good time while retiring there....
to be rich and famous and win an oscar.
To be with someone I can trust and feel safe with
I'm a virgin so guess
to have inner peace
Peace (on the inside).
To be able to work without sleep =/.
If I told you that, it wouldn't be hidden anymore. ;)
I forgot where I hid it!
I really wish I could tell you but I can't.
It's too dark to tell you:-)
At this moment it's to cause severe pain to a guy named Chuck. Maybe pulling a Lorena Bobbit
To spank a 20 y.o. female I am male, married 45 and the wife just is not into spanking
Tyrannical dictatorship! >:)
To shape-shift into a 5-year-old? Of course, I'll have to wait to get the Holoroom to do that. The things I'll do as the 5 year old are probably too dark to share here.
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