tampons, pads make me feel like I am wearing a diaper, and I passed babyhood years ago!
A bit of both depending on the day, but if i use a tampon i always use a liner, just in case!!! nothing more embarassing then the telltale "spotting"
I as a young woman prefer tampons
Pads. Tampons would be useless for me.
Pads. Tampons just don't work for me - I either always have to change them because I have a heavy flow and end up with spotting, or because my flows light that day, I don't have to change them often and then I feel icky because I don't change them and then it feels icky while changing them. Pads at least I can look at and go, 'Change it. Icky', without pushing my fingers in anywhere.
Tampons all the way they are more discreet to carry in a handbag than pads.
Tampons. Once I tried them out for the first time, I was hooked. I can no longer use pads, I feel like I'm wearing a diaper and I don't feel very protected.
Tampons, i had a terrible time in high school with pads and tryin to wear a skirt (which was compulsery). I started using tampons last year. I HATED HATED HATED feeling this 'drip drip' the whole time with pads, yuck yuck yuck. Never again lol
I wear pads to bed (I don't like going to bed knowing there is something up there), and I wear tampons during the day. However, most of the time my period is light enough to where I only have to wear a panty-liner. I love panty-liners!
I don't wear tampons..Love to use pads.^_^
Ehe It depends really I HATE both, but it depends on how i feel that day and what im doing.
Pads. But while I'm on a holiday (sea) I use tompons so I could swim.
tampons, i wore pads on my 1st period only then when my 2nd 1 came its been tampons ever since! i couldnt even imagine wearing a pad now, its sticky and annoying and uncomfertable!
tampons baby
Tampons, for some reason pads just seem unhygenic to me.
Tampons, ive never used pads...
I've never tried tampons before. I want to, but my mom doesn't like them. I'll try them when I go to college.
Pads please. There is more of them, they can be wrapped around .. errm .. things. They hold more moisture and delicate fragrances.
I do both Im a nurse and we have to wear those all white pants, so i just have to be well prepared.
Pads. I just don't feel comfortable with something stuffed up there. I've had one too many strings break trying to get them out, and that was NOT pleasant. Plus ew, I don't like getting my fingers all.. ickky.
Lovely tampons
Pads, I can't get the tampon in w/o pain (and I've tried even the smallest kind! Even my ob gyn said that I was pretty small down there and said that I probably should just keep using pads.
tampons for sure....cleaner, more hygenic, and more leak proof. Pads are just gross all around!
Pads. Sticking stuff up there for hours is just... ugh. Feels too weird.
tampons, pads are disgusting..
tampons, i hate the thought of sitting in my own blood.
I use both, but it really just depends. I like to use tampons when I exercise, swim or do something that requires me to do a lot of movement. But other than that, pads are what I use for most of the time. Yeah, they are uncomfortable but I don't wanna run any risks with using tampons a lot. I'm really scared of the string detaching itself! ^^; One thing I do hate though is that you have to use liners with tampons for most of the time, which kills the meaning of the pad-free solution.
I struggle with both, but I would say that being a man.
Tampons. Im a guy too but find that using a pad on a bleeding nose to inconvenient and attention demanding.
tampons on the heavy days, panty liners on lite days
My women mostly prefers using the pads... :-)
Tampons... pads are too bulky.
I've always worn pads. The thin ones are very comfortable, sometimes I actually have to check to make sure I remembered to put one on! I've worn them with tight pants and noone could tell I had one on. I've bent forward while looking at my backside in the mirror just to make sure. So, there is no reason to feel like you're wearing a diaper. Also, some brands are designed to pull moisture away from the body and down into the pad, so there's not that wet feeling. To each his (her) own of coarse, but from what I read tampons seem to cause alot of anxiety and concern, especially for beginner users, so I don't see the point in insisting on using them.
Both. But I like tampons better because whenever I would wear a pad my underwear would always get dirty.
well i have been using pads ever since i got my period but i guess i'll try tampons now that i am 15 i got my period when i was 9
TAMPONS!!! I feel like the liner in meat package when i wear a pad
I've never found tampons stuck to the wall of the dryer, on the other hand going down and finding a mousie tail,... hard to say... but I'm leaning towards pad.
Tampons - for me please
Pads, much easier to change
I use a diva cup and cloth pads. At a push, I'd use disposable pads though I don't like them but I HATE tampons.
tampons!! i literally tried tampons 2 days ago and i love them sooo much better.. the blood doesnt get everywhere and then in my opinion you feel way more protected, i have had way too mmany horrible experiences with pads and i suggest any girl to try tamponss!!
pads, for sure
pads but i do use tampons too
tampons all the way....pads are WAY too messy...>.<
Neither go great with red wine.
Both when i'm heavy but tampons are less messy.
well i rather use tampons but for some reason it hurts when i try to use them so im forced to use pads
deff tampons. pads are gross! your sitting in your own blood all day and if you lay down, it could run down to your back and stain your pants. not funn. playtex sport super:]
Tampons when I have a busy schedule or day. Pads when I'm home and relaxed. Though I prefer tampons. Neater!
tiny tampons
Tampons... I think pads are disgusting.
Tampons.. I find them more hygeniec and I can stil swim when I have my period.
Tampons!!! Much less gross.
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