• did you replace the filter? Gold fish are the dirtiest fish...did you add the water drops??? You don't replace all the water at once ever!!! 1/3 at a time...days seperating. Best way is to get a gravel vacuum since the gross stuff is under the gravel.
  • Great answer firecracr. Also, you should note the Ph, nitrite and nitrate levels. Basically, your tank is re-cycling itself. Goldfish are hearty, but don't be surprised if you lose a few. One more thing-ten goldfish in a ten gallon tank is too many. I know it is based inch per gallon, but those fishies grow! The most you should have in your tank is six and two algae eaters at this point. Even then, you may have to either get a bigger tank or take a few fish out. Good luck though....
  • you have to give it about 24 hrs toi clear up. it is because the fishes scales are dirty and not the same as the new water in the tank. Kate Morris any more ?'s email me at
  • You mean you changed all the water at once? I sure hope not - that is pretty rough treatment of your fish. You should do about a 25% change once a week with dechlorinator. Onzanzabarsands is right - that is too many fish for such a tiny aquarium, and it is cycling. The gallonage is marginally ok for their current size, but in a few months, I'm sure you know it is way, way too small. If you keep them in there, it will shorten their life-span (according to scientists). A 55 gallon aquarium would be a nice size aquarium to raise them in, and would pretty much follow the one inch of fish per gallon. Remember, gravel, rocks, and not having the tank filled to the brim all reduce gallonage.
  • There is no single answer, because there is no single cause. However based on the color and circumstances under which cloudy water appears, it usually can be pinpointed to a couple of basic causes. Choose the remedy from one of these sites.
  • Are they spawning, that'll make it cloudy really fast.

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