• It is highly unlikely, if you take the total population verses the amount of people shot.
  • I think that might depend on where you live.
  • it depends on color and location of city!
  • depends, do you have a gun nearby?
  • well before June of 2005 i would have said very unlikely as long as you weren't provoking it, but my brother was shot randomly several times when his car was stalled by someone he saw in the car next to him. randomly. he didn't know him. he just looked over, said he thought the guy looked mad so he did the little heads up thing that guys do, and went back to trying to start his car when "bang" he got hit 6 times. almost died. lost lots of organs, shattered in the bone in his arm, but luckily he's still alive. he wasn't in a bad area either. so you just never know.
  • No idea because there is not enough information given to go on (is your job dangerous.. your neighborhood.. your lifestyle etc) BUT I sincerely hope there is zero percent chance of you ever getting shot.
  • Very slight even in the gun toting USA. In other countries even less than slight because of more restrictive gun laws for the general population
  • G'day Samantha, Thank you for your question. It depends on what you do and where you live. If you were a soldier on active duty, it would be relatively high. If you are an officeworker living in a quiet town it would be relatively small. In most cases, it is relatively small. The NSC estimates that your chances of dying of an accidental firearms discharge is one in 5,134. You have a one in 314 chance of dying by firearm. Again, this depends on your profession. If you were a gangster, it would be much greater while if you were a librarian it would be much less. For people who die under 45 in the US, the most likely cause will be an accident most likely a motor vehicle accident. For people over 45, the most likely causes of death are heart disease and cancer. I have attached sources for your reference. US Death Statistics Odds of Dying
  • for me it is almost 100% of me getting shot in the chest. I go out 2 times a week to start a fight and I have been in over 1000 fights and I have been stabbed 3 times and shot 10 different times, I exepect every time I put on a new tan suit and tie that I will be shot in the Chest and will die. i want it to happen
  • 29.2382% if your are a female over the age of 35, however, if you are male, your chances are 32.867% over the age of 35. these percentages of course shoot up if you are under the age of 35, and any person (male or female) has about a 35.69% chance of getting shot at any point during their daily lives, it has been speculated by Texas Armed Weapons Federation (TAWF) that you have the same chance of having a failed abortion as you do getting shot when you walk through a door in the state of Texas.
  • Just stay way from Mexico and you'll be ok. :-)

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