• I would, as long as she's not a Creationist.
  • sure, if she is hot.
  • That depends on how large her breasts are?
  • As long as said Christian or Atheist does not force his beliefs on me then I'm fine with it.
  • Sure so long as they weren't neurotic about it
  • Sure, I don't really care as long as it remains trivial. I don't need relgion but I'm not anti-religious because different people become strong in different ways.
  • Yes I would marry an atheist hating most christians would be something we would have in common even though I love God I don't feel the need to shove it down people's throats.
  • I'm not sure. (I am an Agnostic.)
  • I would marry a Christian or person of any other faith. I very nearly did. Sure religion could sometimes be an issue between us but not a deal-breaker by any stretch of the imagination. Something else got in the way though. I doubt I would end up marrying a religious fanatic of any variety as I doubt we would be very compatible but they are few and far between (not as few and far between as I would hope but still). However it is all rather irrelevant now as I am marrying someone with opinions very close to my own.
  • Sure, as long as she loves and respects me. (I'm neither, cuz I'm Agnostic)
  • Sure, if he didn't get in my face with his beliefs.
  • Why not?
  • Forget religion - love is love.
  • I'm a Christian and nope, I'd really rather not. That school of thought really doesn't turn my crank, so that type of relationship wouldn't work out for me. If two people are of the similar understanding, the relationship will have one less obstacle/hurdle to overcome. There wouldn't be that nagging, "Why doesn't he or she believe that there is/isn't a God?" I also wouldn't marry someone who was pro-choice for the same reasoning. Those differences might, but not always, lead to an arguement where harsh words are exchanged. There's usually plenty of other reasons to do that sort of thing. :-)
  • well im a christian, like i believe in god and all, but i don't consider myself a worshiper of god, i don't go to church every sunday like a lot of people do. i would be fine with marrying somone who is not a christian! it would be fine with me as long as he wasn't in like a cult or something!
  • I'm a Christian and no, I would not marry an Atheist. I don't have anything against them. They can believe whatever they want. However, I couldn't walk through life with someone who didn't have at least a similar mindset as me, we would never be able to talk about spiritual things without getting into arguments and debates and it would be stressful.
  • Well, an atheist & I (a Christian) ALMOST married, though he wasn't an atheist at the time. Does that count? ;) We're still in occasional contact, in a good 'hostility-free zone' & all that jazz...
  • Hmmm...I'm a Christian and I married an agnostic (former Catholic). It's difficult to know if I would have married him if he were an atheist or not. It would definitely change the person who he is and was so I really can't say. It's easy to say "yes or no", but until in that position, I really can't honestly give you an answer. My mother married an atheist, my father. My father has refused to go to most of our weddings because they were in churches. He has attended no christenings for his grandchildren for the same reason. He is, however, turning more to God as he ages. He had to help arrange a funeral for a family member recently and had a preacher officiate. He attended.
  • As a Christian I would not be unequally yoked.
  • absolutly not. unfortunatly i could never marry a practising christian.
  • No way. I wouldn't marry anyone.
  • Assuming I would ever get married, sure, I'd marry a Christian. No restrictions on that. On the other hand, I would never marry or even date a social conservative. So that kind of eliminates a lot of Christians, certainly the fanatical ones. Personal politics makes a much bigger difference in my book. My current partner has the same politics as I, but is a lot more "spiritual". He likes a lot of metaphysical/supernatural stuff that I think is silly. But we get on fine, we just have some interesting conversations on the subject. :D
  • As a Christian, I would only marry another Christian. I would also want him to be similar in the manner in which he practices his faith. Some people say they are Christians and you'd never know it by the way they act and others distort Christianity to support some very hateful behaviors.
  • Sure...Religion does not matter to me.
  • No way! I would never marry anyone of any religion. Come to think of it, I don't even want to get married in the first place!
  • I did marry a catholic. It's really not a big deal. We do sometimes get into "spiritual" discussions, but she tells me if I push too hard and I usually relent. Her family on the other hand.... Well, suffice to say that we really just don't talk about it. It seems that they have issues with emotionally detaching themselves from their faith and discussing it in a cold and logical manner. I suppose that's understandable given that it is "faith" and you don't need logic to have that.
  • Yeah - but it would be an issue that would need to be discussed and "settled" to a degree - otherwise some fairly nasty repercussions can arrive later...
  • Probably not. I think that to get married there are a few things you have to have in common. Religious beliefs are right up there with being able to tolerate the persons music.
  • If a Christian does not believe in God's creation I would wonder if they really are a Christian.
  • No, I would never marry a Christian. He would try to force his beliefs upon me as the Bible orders. He would want our daughter to attend church and read the Bible. I will not tolerate that.
  • No, I'd never marry someone who was so deluded and would be likely to try to convert me and indoctrinate our children with such delusions. I wouldn't be compatible with such a man.
  • some might

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