Organs do not replace themselves. and yes you will still have a poor I.S.
No, they don't grow back. My sister split her spleen in 2 in a mountain biking accident, and the two parts just stayed apart. They don't ever grow back together. You will probably always have an increased risk of severe infection. Your risk of infection was highest in the first two years after splenectomy, but your risk will stay high for your whole life.
Organs don't grow back themselves, you know.
It hasn't grown back unless you've been part of a freaky clinical trial for radical new bio engineered therapies.
Unfortunately removed spleens do not grow back. The spleen is an important part of the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system fights of infections. Surgical procedures aimed at sparing part of the spleen may offer an alternative to total splenectomy. Partial or subtotal parenchymal resections have been performed successfully, with preservation of approximately one third to one fourth of the size of an age-related spleen or removal of 80% to 90% of the enlarged spleen or leaving a residual parenchyma about the size of a manβs fist. However, it has been demonstrated that partial or subtotal splenectomy can lead to substantial regrowth of the residual spleen back to its original size and renewed onset of hemolysis; in some cases, the remnant spleen had to be removed in total. Some sub totally splenectomized patients who have had 80% to 90% of their spleen resected experienced pronounced residual spleen growth and developed recurrent hemolysis and required repeat surgery. Other authors performing subtotal resection reported that the remnant spleen will, on average, grow back to its age-equivalent size 2 to 3 years after partial or subtotal splenectomy. After 5 to 6 years, the volume doubled. The revision rate for recurrent hemolysis after the conventional subtotal procedure is estimated to be 10% after 5 years and 33% after 10 years. One study reported a re operation rate as high as 40%. Spleen. Located in the upper left side of your abdomen, it filters out foreign organisms that infect your blood, removing old or damaged platelets and red blood cells, storing extra blood and releasing it as needed, and helping form some types of white blood cells. The spleen can be removed if it is damaged, but that may lower your resistance to infection. The spleen is located on the left side of the abdomen and weighs around 200g in the average healthy adult. The spleen can be considered as two organs in one; it filters the blood and removes abnormal cells (such as old and defective red blood cells), and it makes disease-fighting components of the immune system (including antibodies and lymphocytes). Since the spleen is involved in so many bodily functions, it is vulnerable to a wide range of disorders. However, the human body adapts well to life without this organ, so surgically removing a diseased or damaged spleen is possible without causing any serious harm to the patient. Spleen structure The body of the spleen appears red and pulpy, surrounded by a tough capsule. The red pulp consists of blood vessels (splenic sinusoids) interwoven with connective tissue (splenic cords). The red pulp filters the blood and removes old and defective blood cells. The white pulp is inside the red pulp, and consists of little lumps of lymphoid tissue. Antibodies are made inside the white pulp. Similarly to other organs of the lymphatic system, particular immune cells (B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes) and blood cells are either made or matured inside the spleen. Blood enters the spleen via the splenic artery, which subdivides into many tiny branches. Each branch is encased in a clump of lymphocytes, which means every drop of blood is filtered for foreign particles as it enters the spleen. A range of disorders Some of the disorders that can affect the spleen include: * Splenomegaly * Hypersplenism * Splenic rupture. Splenomegaly A variety of disorders can cause the spleen to enlarge, sometimes to 2kg or more. Any conditions that cause a rapid breakdown of blood cells, such as haemolytic anaemias, can place great strain on the spleen and make it enlarge. Other causes of splenomegaly include infections (such as glandular fever), liver disease and some cancers (such as Hodgkinβs disease, leukaemia and lymphoma). Hypersplenism The two characteristic features of hypersplenism are splenomegaly and a deficiency of one or more blood components. It seems that an enlarged spleen is sometimes overactive and will destroy more blood cells than necessary. Symptoms depend on which blood component is lacking. For example, if red blood cells are deficient, anemia will be the result (with symptoms including fatigue and pallor). Most cases of hypersplenism are caused by disorders somewhere else in the body, such as cirrhosis of the liver. Splenic rupture Certain disorders, including glandular fever, can occasionally make the enlarged spleen delicate enough to spontaneously rupture. A sudden blow to the abdomen can split the outer capsule of the spleen and cause bleeding into the abdominal cavity. There are various degrees of splenic rupture. When bleeding is life threatening, surgery to remove the spleen (splenectomy) is needed. Diagnosis methods Depending on the condition under investigation, disorders of the spleen can be diagnosed using a number of tests, including: * Physical examination * Blood tests * Ultrasound * Computed tomography (CT) scan * Bone marrow biopsy * Other tests to check for underlying disorders. Treatment options Treatment depends on the disorder and its specific cause. For example, if the splenomegaly is caused by particular cancers (including Hodgkinβs disease, leukemia or lymphoma), then treatment will focus on eliminating or controlling the primary disease. Hypersplenism, triggered by cirrhosis of the liver, can be treated with abstinence from alcohol and special dietary modifications. A severely ruptured spleen is usually surgically removed. Recovery after splenectomy The surgical removal of the spleen is called a splenectomy. The body can cope without the spleen, although the person might be more susceptible to infections after the operation. Their blood may also contain odd-shaped red blood cells. In some cases, it is possible to remove only the diseased or damaged parts of the spleen. This allows the remaining healthy portions to keep functioning as normal. Immunizations and splenectomy People who have had their spleen removed or have a spleen disorder are at increased risk of infection, most commonly Pneumococcal infection. Some vaccines are recommended especially for these people and they should be discussed with the doctor. They are: * Pneumococcal vaccine * Meningococcal vaccines * Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine (recommended in an adult who has close contact with children less than 5 years of age).
If you had a total splenectomy, it will not grow back. If you had a partial splenectomy: . (from WIKI) . Partial splenectomy Much of the spleen's protective roles can be maintained if a small amount of spleen can be left behind.[4] Where clinically appropriate, attempts are now often made to perform either surgical subtotal (partial) splenectomy,[5] or partial splenic embolization.[6] In particular, whilst vaccination and antibiotics provide good protection against the risks of asplenia, this is not always available in poorer countries.[7] However as it may take some time for the preserved splenic tissue to provide the full protection, it has been advised that preoperative vaccination still be given.[8
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