hide the pickle or polish the knob
Drop the soap ? Opps ; if you are in a Prison shower ; I guess that would NOT be so much fun ????
masturbation, dildo and many others.
Can I play with your duckie?
I'll show you mine if you show me yours!
The Mohawk & Stevo's "The Butterfly" :) (make sure you are alone & nobody's watching)
Drop the Soap is a classic.
None. I'm there to get clean.
its too slippery to play games in the shower!
Hehehe This question made me smile
"drop the soap" has always been a fav of mine.......(as long as I am not the one pickin it up)
Monopoly! or Scrabble!
I don't know any games, but I know some things you could play with
Hide the salami!
Follow the yellow brick road? :) Sorry, bad joke.
Oh yes margaritas would work too. I try so hard to get onto a schedule but the kids just dont allow it for me. So as long as i even get to sleep thats a good night during sick season. Crossing my fingers hoping i have a restful sleep tonight. ;)
You play games? My bf and I aren't playing games when we shower.
Slip n slide
Depends on how old you are.
Sing your favorite song ^_^
-'s really nasty but try and see who can make the other one cum faster by just playing in the shower while you both are all soapy. but the thing is there is no head game and no fucking. Try it and see..ladies we usually end up winning!
drop the soap
The one you learned in jail. Pick up the soap.
you are so disgusting dude......:0
practice magic tricks... "You wanna see a magic trick? Just watch... i can make it dissappear!" heehee
Let's play video games in the shower.
If it's with your girl then you should play sex shower but if it's by your self then your disgusting
that depends on where you are or where you learned the game. no droping the the soap!
hide the soap on a rope
Full body massages. +5
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