• ok, wow. shallow? well, I have to give you credit... atleast you can admit it.
  • Rich men like tortoise cosplay, so get yourself a shell. :P
  • It's called the's a new way to date and meet people that fit your wants and needs. Congratulations and welcome to the year 2009!!! :)
  • You need to go to up market places
  • stop being such an obvious gold-digger? i personally hope you stay a broke ass with an attitude like that!
  • Welcome to the world of global economic collapse. We're all broke except for those that buy love one hour at a time and move on.
  • My dear, if you are 27, educated and attractive, why do you need to bag a rich guy? Make your own money and find someone that you love.
  • First you need to become vacuous, shallow & have no sense of shame. Rich men don’t like to be challenged in anyway so have fun!
  • The rich guys are too busy making money and haven't got time for anyone else, apart from more slaves to help them build their empire (and those people don't get much of their time). Your best bet is to try and make yourself rich (wasn't that the reason you got an education in the first place?) and hope like hell that you bump into someone decent in your travels. It doesn't matter how rich a man is, if he drops his guard then his wife (or kids or any other sob-story) can easily send him bankrupt. Rich men hate hangers-on. They love someone who can pull their own weight. They love it when someone can see what it takes to earn a dollar and keep a dollar. Build your own business. Make yourself rich. Then you can meet a rich man eye-to-eye, and the relationship will last because you both understand each other. The rich man will respect you as some kind of equal, not look down on you as yet another money-pit-hole-in-his-wallet. After you marry your rich man, you may choose to wind down your business empire so you can run his household in an equally efficient manner, or you may just pay a housekeeper to do that kind of thing while still running your empire (or something else, let's not be limited here!) Sorry I can't be of more assistance to you, but try that for starters.
  • Your gonna get some shit for asking this question. But don't worry. Every snippy answer is fueled by the fact that the asnswerer is a BROKE ASS. :)
  • be your self
  • go pakistan.many boys searching osama bin laden there bcoz very big money.5
  • Who understands a womens mind? I am over 50 very single disabled,plenty on money with plenty of fans but still single. Why dont you check out our website
  • Stay away from broke asses, they will use you..I am living thru it...go out and have fun, meet men at corporate meetings...Men with don't want to live with assholes that look for your money and support you..
  • Any rich man will see right through you thats why. Make your own money and grow up and HOPE, That someone will want to date you and not consider you one of those Broke asses.
  • Maybe if you realise money has nothing to do with love
  • All I can give you is 5 points for your question. I have no suggestions for an answer. You must figure it out yourself. There are some areas where your AB friends can fail you.
  •, LOL.
  • Note to self: Stay away from this one.
  • Here's a novel idea; you're 27, educated and attractive...go out and get a really good paying job. You won't need to "bag" a rich guy and no one will think you're a gold digger. What's better, being in control of your own money or trying to find someone else who has money that you probably will only love for his wallet, that will have control over you, because he controls the cash and will realize, even if not at first; that you are only with him for the money? I've included a visual aide for you to see what to look for...
  • How about getting some manners?
  • Girl Rich people deal with money, that’s all, so if you are going to date a wealthy guy, he will deal with you like he is playing with his money. :-) you should have a confidence and believe that right person is coming a long, just be patient. even if the right person is a broke asses :-) See you
  • 27, educated and attractive? Id say shallow ....... I think you need to grow up a bit ....
  • well im afraid thats not how love works,so live your life meet people,fate will take care of the rest.
  • Dawn on your shortest skirt, highest heels and lowest cut blouse and head for Wall Street. The last I heard is that those boys are actually charging their "massages" to corporate accounts funded by taxpayers dollars. Of course, not that I'm saying there's anything wrong with that. I understand that our highest paid & regarded execs need to be at their best so that they can continue to make the executive decisions that have brought prosperity and wealth to so many
  • Apparently you are not that educated.
  • It really don't work like that. Though you have the criteria on paper,just from reading your question,sounds like your high on yourself. Watch diary of a mad black women and see how rich guys act. Not all are that way,but if was to bag that rich guy,pack lightly....
  • rich guys dont roam on roads, start going to places where they hangout, try to catch their attention with style, elegance. the thing with every rich guy is that they are always after the hottest thing available, so just try to be one.
  • Gotta give a little to get a little, honey.
  • Have you tried internet dating? You can set up the criteria that you are looking for, and it will help weed out the people that you don’t want to date. Try Good Luck.
  • Hey, there's nothing wrong with a woman looking to snag a sugar daddy. Wouldn't it be just as stupid if she came on asking "How can I find love?" That would be just as pathetic. So stop hating. LittleMissSunshine, My advice to you as a guy with money who looks out for women like you would be to stop being so damned obvious about your intentions. Money is power. I worked hard for what power I have (especially with today's economy being what it is) and I'll be damned if I'm going to lose it because of some gold-digging, meal ticket-sniffing tramp like yourself. Good luck in your search!
  • Go to places to hang out like the golf club or fine restraunts or lectures. Rich people tend to hang at those places.
  • Constructive critism? maybe your a little conceited and should be more into the guy not his money. We are more attracted to REAL women... not gold diggers
  • Get a job and make your own money just like rich guys do.
  • short skirt, blue eye shadow, stilhetos. street corner...eventually richard gere will find you lol
  • If you are educated, then you will never bag a rich guy. No matter how many bag traps you set, you will never get one.
  • Why don't you make your own fortune.
  • 'Class' comes to mind!
  • Have you ever thought about what attracts you to a guy?
  • I have a friend who is very attractive and educated and she seems to always find guys with money! As a matter of fact she only dates guys that do! You seem to attract broke asses because you probably take care of them instead of letting a guy take care of you! My friend refuses to pay for dinners, trips, etc... A real man likes to feel important and if you let them take care of you then you will attract the ones who can afford you. If you like to shop well take the guy your dating shopping! If he buys you something or says he will take care of the bill well there you go! He's a keeper! You can tell a lot about a guy by the way he dresses, the friends he has, if he pays for all of your meals etc..... I hope that helps! Don't give up because trust me i've seen first hand that this works! Just be very very picky!! Good luck!
  • I don't remeber the the name, but there is an online dating service which matches men who earn six figures aor more a year with potential trophy wives.
  • If you are 27 educated and attractive... WHy do you NEED a man? let alone a rich one...
  • If u have a personality like mine, then u might end up with someone a little older than least 10 years.Pr
  • because men are like parking spaces, all the good ones are taken first
  • get a job if you re so educated.
  • You're obviously not that educated if you're still going about finding a good guy with that method.
  • The kind of rich guy who is going to sync best will be someone who is looking for a highly polished hood ornament who makes him look good in public and behaves more or less like a servant otherwise. So you should treat it more like a job than a relationship -- you're a full-time escort service. - Don't have any opinions of your own, except about women's fashion. - Be made up and perfect at all times. Do not let him see you without makeup or tired or grumpy. - Master the sultry-but-sophisticated air of a European model... it should say "shallow, polished, and self-absorbed... but pretentiously mysterious". - Give up any ideas you might have of being yourself or even having that phrase mean something. If you're going to sell your soul, you can't expect to borrow it back on rainy days. - Hang out where rich people hang out -- golf and yacht clubs, etc. Exposure is key.
  • Well, you need to post your hourly rates, for one.
  • I guess you have to hang out where doctors are. The emergency room?
  • WOW! 52 responses in six hours! Mine will probably be forever burried at the bottom of the heap. But seriously, I would recommend you change your venue. Where you are going, who you are with, and what you do has a lot to do with the type of people you meet. I'm not saying you need to hang out at the Ritz or anything. But let's look at an example or two here (not saying that either apply to you or that you can't find someone suitable at these): Scenario 1: You frequent bars where backwoods, stump-humping, halitosis afflicted, beer guzzling, inbred hillbillies with tobacco stained beards hang out all the time. Rather difficult to find a prince inside a suit of shining armor at such a place, I would say. Scenario 2: You frequent several business establishments as part of your job, or even just shopping around or dining out occasionally. Or visit places where sucessful people, or people who are working towards becoming successful and wealthy habitually go. These people go out too, you know, and they like places like book stores, coffee shops, and what-not as well. Where you go determines the type of people you are likely to encounter. If you can't find what you want in one place...well, my Mom used to say there are a lot of fish in the ocean. But any fisherman knows if you aren't catching what you want in one place, you need to move to another!
  • I am twice your age, bald and short but I have lots of money, wanna go out with me?
  • I agree with Hasntbeen's answer totally. However, I would add one thing - a good training from Hugh Heffner is a must. There are some things that a girl should know in the bedroom that the majority of other girls don't know and that is 'What men REALLY like'. Once you have learnt this, finding a partner is a piece of cake really. Good luck.
  • You need to develop an attractive personality. So that you actually become a sensible being who wants a guy for what he is instead of what he owns. Unlike right now where you sound most of all like, well.. a greedy bitch
  • you don't need to bag anyone , they should be trying to catch you.
  • Also, I just have to wonder, are they asses because they are poor? Or is the term ass just a neutral term for a man?
  • money aint everything its love ,happiness
  • get over yourself and also get your priorities straight
  • The million dollar matchmaker says you have to hang out where they hang out. You may not have to "do" anything but introduce yourself.
  • Do you have a personality? Looks aren't the whole package.
  • First: You say that you're educated?... Someone who just wants money from a relationship is nothing but a comun greedy BITCH, not an educated person. That goes for both men and women. Second: I'm gonna quote you on this one: "Also, I just have to wonder, are they asses because they are poor? Or is the term ass just a neutral term for a man?" NOT all men are asses, such has not all women are asses too. What counts is the personality of each one. Beeing male or female, it is the person that has the responsability for their way of acting. Don't judge all men just because you dated some stupid guys... Oh, and by the way, maybe it's not their problem... Maybe it's just you that always wants expensive stuff and other crap to make you feel beutifful... Sorry, but my idea of you is of a spoiled shallow woman that only wants the best for herself... Just like Paris Hilton or some shit... You probably didn't even bother to read this comment entirely to the end, am i right?... Well.. i'm sorry... It's your personality and i've got nothing to do with it... I just get a little angry when i see "I'm sick of dating broke asses"... Oh and no, i'm not poor to be saying this, i'm actually rich and my advise to you is that you need a lesson in humility...
  • You sound like a high school drop you can try me!!!!
  • Just care about his money, thats all what love is to some people right now anyway. See what greed gets you?
  • Change the place you hang out. The people who have money will hang in the rich joints and are snobish most of the time, but that is wher you meet them.
  • What makes you such a catch? Why would anyone want to spend money on you?Don't get me wrong, just' that is a real egotistical view on life. I am male and have no desire to search out a sugar mama. If you are educated and attractive you should have no problem finding Mr. Right. This post makes you sound cheep. Sorry but it does. I am sure your not.
  • Hang out with professionals and dress the part and talk the part - But i got news for you most professionals are not just broke but in major debt - you might request a balance sheet and P&L stmt before the first date
  • Try working on your attitude...........I know many educated and attractive people the one thing they have is a positive attitude. I also know some fantastic educated and attractive people who are have little money but they also have what you lack greatly and that is positive're 27 and feel a need to depend on someone rich.............make your damn money and then you can play with yourself!
  • Ok I am going to take a stab at this. Your 27, educated and attractive so that leaves me with a question for you - Where is it written that educated attractive women automatically get the successful guy? WHY not take the attitude of "who needs a guy to take care of me." I mean, you said yourself you are educated so I am to assume you have a decent job. RIGHT? I personally would put my effort's into being the person I want to be, not the person who needs to find the "right" guy. My oldest daughter is 24 and a nursing student. All her life I have instilled in her the belief she could be and do whatever she wanted without the need for a man to support her. NOW do I want her to have a man in her life? Of course. But I want her to be financially secure on her own. I want her to need a man for love and to be her companion - not her bankroller. Smart, successful, self secure women find men that love and admire their strengths. Does it really matter who makes the most money.
  • Come back to reality.
  • People who are rich, and stay that way long term, can smell somebody who's after their money from a mile away. The best advice I could give you is to stop caring about how much money the guy has. Genuine interest in the guy as a person, and complete disinterest in money, is pretty much a pre-requisite for any hope of success in this area.
  • First of all you need to stop put a dollar amount on your relationships. Maybe the reason you can't find a good man is because all of them can see right through you.
  • maybe an attitude adjustment....people dont like being "bagged" Also people with money dont much like being used for it.
  • Hang out with the rich at the casinos. at the race track.
  • You aren't educated, but are probably attractive. You are a classic gold digger, a dumb one at that. Heres a tip, next time, stop and think about what you post before calling yourself educated, you sound so F-ing stupid! The problem will be when you "bag" a rich guy, he is going to have all of his assets covered, use you as a trophey, when he gets bored, leave you, with nothing. Downrate this all day, I don't like you.
  • Join the East European school of Gold Diggers
  • This is reason # 56735673 Why I never want to get married.
  • well some advice dont be so shallow open your options. a rich guy could be mean cruel and abuse you but is that ok since he has money...? the most broke guy in the world couldnt end up treating the best anyone has!!!!
  • Do men a favor, and dont bother dating. Someone like you is the last person a rich person wants to date; a golddigger!
  • Look in richer areas of your community or MOVE to a higher end community. They are there.
  • A million dollars cannot buy you a happy relationship or love, but it can buy you a divorce.
  • Send a pic. resume and your phone number to the e-mail address on my profile. And, by the way, I don't expect any sass from you.
  • Lowering your standards is the first thing you could do, cauz money will never buy happiness. Gold Digger
  • I'll bet the "broke asses" love dating a person of attitude and humble too. You may deserve each other. No money but here is 5 points so you don't go away empty handed.
  • lol your a bitch if thats all you care about and apparently you arent attractive if you cant get a rich guy to date you
  • Seems to me that you are being very shallow. If you are attractive and intelligent, make your own money. You don't need men. I'm sure they could do better than a money grabbing gold digger.
  • Try moving to emerald bay, California. Lotsa buck$$ there.
  • You are both HORRIBLE people with out hope of redemption. Hasentbeen and Possum are liars and cheats! OH MAN i will have fun with this on the web!!!! Thank you!!!! :-D
  • Money of your own. They are sick of dating broke asses too.
  • well nothing really because more than likely you would be a play toy that a rich person wouldnt give 2 shits about. can you say mistress uuuhhhh heeelllloooo! and when he finished with you kick your butt to the curb lol!!!!!!! heres one for you im tired of dating womaen spending all my damn money and making me into one of those broke ass's plz get a F**king life you money grubbing woman
  • talk like you have a brain and don't be a bitch. thats all there ever is to it.
  • Apply to the Millionaire Matchmaker Club. I think it's called the Millionaire's Club!
  • Didn't you watch that dr. phil episode? Some guys will always use women for their looks and it doesn't make anything better if women use guys for their money. The point of relationships is to find love, not lust or even companionship. Look for the good guys, not just the convenient bums or the rich dudes.
  • Work as an EMT. You'll definitely be baggin a lot of people then.
  • to start with, don't tell them you've been dating poor donkeys.
  • You are much too shallow to be dating anyone on a serious basis, dear.
  • Do you have any money, job, skills or talents? Family or other baggage? In general, where do you live (big city, rural, etc.). Again generally, what part of the country. Answer my questions honestly and I'll give you a honest (although not guaranteed correct), custom-made answer.
  • Rich guys don't usually care if you are educated or not. And, rich guys usually go for the most attractive. Being just attractive isn't enough. You should probably start with just making two requirements: That whoever you date has at least a car and a job.
  • I had an answer, but it's gone with the wind.
  • I understanf you girl...these broke ass men gets on my nerves,,yet they want sex and everything else for FREE puhlease..they wont get it from me
  • I hear Madoff is available. He still has money stashed away somewhere.

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