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  • I knew life could be more than I was trying to think it was.
  • There would be NO ONE to take care of my little pup the way that I do ...
  • I just couldn't bring myself to do it ever. I've thought about it and still do. What if I jumped off this bridge? What if I just rammed this knife into my heart? Not that I want to do it.....but I don't think I have the guts to do it.
  • I was raised in a Christian home and was always told that if I killed myself I would go to hell, I was not going to take the chance. With that being said, now that I have matured and worked as a Paramedic I would never do that to my family. They are the ones that suffer.
  • No, sorry, I've never contemplated suicide.
  • Im still here because i've only contemplated.
  • i've tried and failed. why i haven't again? i guess i found some hope. some hope that life will get better.
  • I don't believe that "everyone" has contemplated suicide. Contemplation means to think thoroughly and in-depthly. Now, I do believe that most people have twiddled with the idea of dying themselves but more than likely in the forms of giving their lives for someone else, quite like a sacrificial giving. Anyways, my experiences in life have cause that contemplation. Whenever an idea like that come through my father comes to mind. He took his own life a month and 3 days ago. It always gets to me when I think about who I'm leaving behind. The pain that I would be causing everyone who loves me. I don't believe that people honestly know how much pain they are leaving behind when they take their own lives. Cause if they considered the posibilities of what extent the pain might be, they wouldn't do it. They believe that the pain they are leaving behind in this world is suddenly gone, but NO! The pain is transferred to those who cared and loved the person.
  • I didn't contemplate it seriously enough. If I'd meant it more, I would have set about to do it within the month, but I set milestones like wanting to reach X age because it was supposed to be a good age, and maybe it'd be better by then. I suppose it was. I still get angry about that time, though.
  • I was raised Catholic, so it was pretty much imbedded in my mind that I would go to hell, however I did contemplate suicide, about 6 months after "surrendering" my infant son for adoption. I am glad I didn't commit suicide, I was also afraid of physically hurting myself.
  • I never had enough guts to go through with it. I'm scared of the unknown. So I'll just have to deal with my demons here on earth.
  • My children. Two of my son's have already lost a parent to suicide. I will never hurt them like he did. I would never hurt my family and friends like that. I know how it feels.
  • I tried it, but it didn't work. My whole attitude turned around when my son was born a year later.
  • Don't know about the others, but I did contemplate it. Was 16. But then I sat and thought - what's the use of being alive for 16 yrs, going through the pain, the hardship (mental or physical), and everything else bad in life, if I waste it NOW. Mind you, it's not the good things of the past, but the BAD things of the past which made me realise that hope of getting a better future kept me alive, and I would waste that effort if I ended it all this way. Whatever bad you suffered in your past, would you have actually gone through them if you knew that it would go in waste due to a suicide in the future? Maybe I am being too confusing, but THAT is the thought that keeps me alive even today.
  • A: I am too stubborn to quit. B: I believe in an afterlife that would be messed up if I did.
  • Screwing up the suicide process. Being interrupted by a teacher when I was about to (really...really...awkward...). Having that pesky 'guilt' thing with regard to individuals of whom I thought cared about me at the time.
  • Good question. After coming close several times in the past, and wondering why I couldn't just do the deed, I started thinking about some things I hadn't done yet. Take that trip, climb that mountain, read this book, do tantric yoga, meditate. I thought, even though I'm still depressed and I hate my life, I should do a few of those things while I still can, so I'll know if any of it was worthwhile. So I made a list of things I wanted to do before I filled my pockets with rocks, stepped over the rail, and sank slowly down into darkness. I'm still working on the list. Now and then I think of something else I need to add. It's annoying that the list keeps growing, and it could take years to do everything. But when I finish it, that's all. I'm outta here.
  • the samaritans
  • Yeah a few times there I have contemplated it. My reasons for not doing so? Well, it has depended on the circumstances involved and my mood at the time. Mostly my basic belief is that suicide is the cowards way out. Then, one of my little voices reminds me that 'they' will talk about you after you're gone and you will be unable to reply. Another voice has suggested that while it may "show them" they actually have to be able to figure out what it is you are showing them and even then if they are're dead... One of my saner voices also reminds me that I have pets that I love and who will look after them 'after'. So, there you have it. Three reasons I haven't "done it".
  • I have so much more to gain from life, Yeah things are not always perfect but things can only get better.
  • I am very I believe that I would give up my chance to have a happy afterlife. I guess other people might just say, you'll go to hell. Either way.

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