All the time, unfortunately.
Yes, I think most of us have and laughted about it later not seeing why we were so crazed over it.
No, I'm the serious type
Just because I want each egg turned over 62 times or I won't each it and it must be cooked in pure chicken butter from Liberia; cook for 32 seonds at 320.i degrees on Stainless steel; made in la belle province in 1864 by Lous Libere brother with one finger missinig No I am not obsessed at all!
Nope, I'm pretty laid back.
It depends on what you mean by silly. For some people, all my obsessions may be silly, but I still obsess over them. So the answer is yes, often.
ALL the time. I've got a rational part of my brain telling me I'm being silly, but the obsessing part is louder
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