Doing flips. I think that flipping is cool.
"The Scarlet Ribbon Gathering" ... a classical ten against one (surrounded) progression pattern where the first to attack (with hand) gets grabbed and pulled into a spin that breaks his wrist and elbow, dragged into a kick that breaks a knee, then whirls him low, but in the air, and slams him into six others, breaking their legs as they are stepping forward to attack and dropping them, thereby clearing three quaters of the surrounding circle (this is only one single move that takes out seven out of ten attackers) ... then the second move is to begin running away, listening for the footfalls of the chasers in an alert zigzag that forces the chasers into a single file ... then suddenly stop, pivot turn, and jump kick the center of gravity of the first in line, crashing him back into the remaining chasers ... ... two moves, ten attackers downed for an easy capture, but not killed ...
The 18 Buddha Attack!
Double Backflip!
How about standing on a sand dune, throwing a smoke pellet, then quickly dropping down with a hard & fast vibration that allows you to dissapear from sight under the sand.
Any of those ones on the movie,"crouching tiger hidden dragon",they were awsome!!!!
the smoke cloud thing
I forgot...the answer is so obvious... Eating Bacon!
12 ounce curl. I AM a ninja-drinker. HooooYaaaa.
metsubushi. You must use pre-prepared sand or pepper, and contain it in a vial that can easily break. When running away, simply through the vial at the opponent, and make a speedy getaway. take care not to get blinded yourself.
aerial cartwheels are fun, if you can manage to hit an opponent with your feet while executing it. But before you try any moves, you should learn how to jump really high. I mean really, really high. Put weights on and then practice jumping, but don't stress your muscles. A way to enhance your strength and kinetic energy is to meditate and focus your strength into one part of your body. It's extremely hard, but worth it.
It may be from an anime but you have to admit that, if you know what they are, Sharingan, Magenkyo Sharingan or Byakugan, or Hyuga Style fighting, or Chidori. If any of those were actually possible. As for a real art I would have to go with any technique that involes Iaido. NINJA VANISH *poof*
Its totally Michaelangelo! COWABUNGA!!!
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