Picnic with homemade food. I can always go to a rity place or get fast food....but I can't always get a picnic handmade for me... that would be VERY SPECIAL :o)
Picnic homemade food(I'll make it) :)
well my choice wud be a nice picnic in exqusite picturesque place in the lap of nature!! (am i too poetic....?)
First date: Ritzy Dinner. I would save the picnic for fun times after I've gotten to know the man. Good question Nunya. :)
For a first date (if such were ever to come over the horizon) I would go for the picnic. Fine dining is great fun, but I'd want more of myself and my abilities plus hers on display for a first date.
Picnic. Yeah. Oooh right.
Picnic with fast food. Fast and easy and no preparing.
neither... i'd go to a nice little cafe or mid priced resturant where i knew the food was awesome and the atmosphere was nice
I would never go to a fast food joint or serve fast food and a ritzy restaurant would probably be out of the question, but there are plenty of mid-priced restaurants that serve good quality freshly made food, so that's what I would choose.
what time is the date? what city do we live in? what does the other person like? am i more comfortable in relaxed settings or more formal? do i feel like getting dressed up? are we doing more than eating on the date? ... i cut the difference and head to chili's/tgif/applebees
Picnic.I'd still wear a dress ;)
I'd pick a restaurant, not necessarily ritzy, but something fun, like Polynesian with Tiki statues and boat drinks...
Nice healthy picnic.
Ill go for the 'homemade' picnic. Much more relaxed. +4
I think either one you are making things to complicated for a first date. The more things you pile on the more preasure you are putting on an already akward moment. Pick some nice but simple restaurant that you think you both would enjoy.
Picnic is too intimate for a first date. Fast food, I never eat yucky. I nice dinner would be my choice. Doesn't have to be ritzy. Just nice and comfortable.
Dinner at a resteraunt so its not to overwhelming there can be other people around in case things go south
A picnic with homemade sandwiches sounds good.
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