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That could go either way , you need to just relax and wait the 5 or 6 days to worry or be happy about it .
Take a prenancy test, not near the period because you can get a false positive due to hormones
I'm having the same symptoms as you. I have been ttc for 2 months now(this month I took clomid). Mild cramping like I'm gonna start anytime, but not due for another 5-6 days. But had the same crampiness feeling last month, but not the sore nipples or nausea. Good luck to you!
i usually feel that way during ovulation - and then a couple weeks after sex start feeling that way, even if i'm not preggers. wait for the period, if it's late, take a test. don't stress over it, though. you can mess up your own cycle. mild cramps, sore nipples, headache, food cravings - they're all normal symptoms of both pregnancy and pms/menstruation. sorry, it's not much help.
well, if you don't have sex then the odds are 0% ... the odds increase with each occurence of having unprotected sex, especially if he dumps his load in you
give those nipples a rest, youv been working them too hard
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