• I've found that most of them do give feedback...some just don't bother. I don't agree with it...I think you should always give feedback!
  • I have over 500 posotive feedbacks on ebay with a 100% rating but I only received feedback on about 80-85 percent of my transactions on ebay. They recently changed the rules so a seller cannot leave a negative feedback to a buyer for any reason. Since they added this rule I only get about 50 percent feedbacks from ebay transactions now. I guess the sellers feel that if they can't leave a negative when they want they wont leave a posotive either. That's the only reason I can think of.
  • There's no point to the feedback system any more. Buyers can only receive good feedback. Buyers have no incentive to leave good feedback to sellers, because there is nothing that can be returned to them for leaving an injust neutral or negative. The entire system is screwed up. Thanks a lot, eBay.

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