• How good are you at calligraphy? Writing Love sonnets? And getting some of your mates to act like some members of the Society of Creative Anachronisms?
  • Let her spend 10 on you but ignore the budget for her gift. Breakfast in bed, romantic picnic in the park for lunch, and meal cooked by you for dinner. In between breakfast and lunch, an inexpensive bracelet, in between lunch and dinner, inexpensive pair of earrings, after dinner, inexpensive ring. I know its a lot but you needn't spend more than 50 on the jewelery and 20 on the food, trust me the rewards will be worth every pound. You have got heaps of time to plan something a bit special.
  • Why not create something memorable that will be treasured for years to come for your fiancee. If you cannot write a poem or a love letter, there are plenty of resources available online to find a poem that you're looking for, print it out then buy a frame at Michael's or any other craft stores near your hometown, you can also add some flowers or some hearts inside the frame. My husband made me one for our anniversary, I always look at it everyday. It will be a gift for her to remember forever.
  • Some good ideas here and I am very thankful indeed! =D I will write her a poem (I have done in the past) instead of getting flowers do you think a plant would be better as she could then keep it forever?
  • A private dinner in the house, cooked by you or bought from a local pizza joint ($8.00) with candles and a small bouquet bought from a gas station (she does not have to know it was bought there, $2.00). Simple is good, when you make it special. For free you could find an album already in the house with a song that she might like and ask her to dance.

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