Happy Meal.
ignore it. depending on the age, they probably dont even know what the word "hate" means.
I think all children go through the I hate my parents stage at one age or another...they'll grow out of it eventually.
Depends on the age of the child in question. If they are little it is probably just because they didn't get their way and they are just pouting, but they will get over it without you having to do anything. If they are a teenager then you will probably just have to ignore their anger for a while until they cool down. Now if they are like Stewie from Family Guy then you are going to have to watch out.
Ignore them.
Try the hot sauce method.
Depends on the age .... From 8 to 13: tell then you need help making a cake, make sure a food fight ensues - guaranteed to bond. From 13 to 17: make sure you BEG them to sit with you at a family get-together (give the excuse that "Aunty Jean" or whoever does your head in and you need their help) - guaranteed to bond. Age 18+: tell them to move out, pay their own bills and see if they still hate you from afar!!!
I suppose it depend son the age of the child. When they are young they do it because they don't get their own way over something. My son said it a couple of times when he was around 8, I just used to respond with, "Well I love you", it kind of took the wind out of his sails.
Love them more. Tell them many times a day that you love them. Smile at them. Don't pester them or be challenging. Just open your heart and let that gentle love you feel flow out and your words reflect that.
It depends. Are you trying to be a parent or a friend? Which does your child need more? If you are trying to be a friend, then give presents, money, privileges, and kiss some ass. If you are trying to be a parent, then continue to do what you know is right to raise a child into a responsible adult. Kids have enough friends, what they need is a parent.
be very nice to them :)
Acknowledge their feelings, if they are not clear as to why they hate you ask them so as to help you better understand their anger frustration etc. with you. For younger ones try and explain how hate is a word that is a very strong word and is not appropriate in most situations. Often "hate" follows the word no and they are just trying to manipulate you and or your decisions. Hold your ground, tell them you don't hate them even though they may hate you at that moment. Just don't overdo it or try to debate with them, keep it short and simple.
Keep on being a parent (not a friend) and they will grow out of it - it might take 20 years but they will come around
Legally disown them and let the state support them until they are 18! That will teach them right!
I think that is a phase that all kids go through. Just give love and patience and all will be well in time. The main thing is for you to be consistent and alway available to your child. If you do that the child will know that they can count on you and will sort it out.
Buy them a pony.
Give him time to cool out & make more time with the child.
depends on what you did to them. Did you embarrass them in the mall by telling them they would look cute in the batman underwear or did you tell them they couldnt hang out with there friends until 4am when they are only 14 themselves. Just be responsible and fair, and hope that logic and reasonably win in the end.
sell the kid in mexico
Nothing. Just ignore it. Kids always say that. They don't really know what the word means. To them it's the same thing as saying they're annoyed. I would know, I always used to say it! But of course, I didn't mean it.
A child can't really "hate" their parents. They might act like it or say it, but they can't.
If they're teenaged, understand that you're doing something right! ;-)
It all depends how old they are, it's a lot better to acknowledge the hatred early, if they're young, talk to them, take them places, do what you can, my father never taught me anything, the only people who taught me something was myself and my old boss who turned out to be a pedophile. Don't neglect their hate what so ever. If they're older, then I don't know how to help you there.
Ignore it, it changes in time. My kids, at least 2 of them hated me often. I'd rather hear it and talk about it or somedays just say; "so what; you'll still follow my rules"! I never felt bad, but I didn't reward their feelings either. They found they needed to verbalize their feelings and I handeled it as the day dictated. They turned out to be nice, respectful, repectable adults, and they love their mama now:)
give them space. i have often "hated" my parents. and them pestering me or trying to talk to me, only made it worse. With time, it went away, whether a specific incident, or something that lasted for much longer. Issues are issues though, they should be addressed. But for the immediate, "you ruined my life, and i hate you with every bone in my body because you won't let me eat chocolate for dinner", just let it simmer.
Keep showing them love, eventually they will understand why you make the decisions you make. Trust me they'll be back.
Just let them know that you still love them no matter how they feel, oh...and get used to it, it only gets worse, thats how you know that you are a good parent!
You have to keep parenting them, and be the one in charge (though not a tyrant). You need to keep initiation communication. Years ago, living in the apartment above us, was this single mother who was a terrible parent to her teenage daughter. They were always screaming at eachother. When they weren't arguing, the mother spent all of her free time reading out on the balcony. Out there she would stay until late into the night/morning... doing whatever it took to avoid her daughter (and parenting responsibilities)
The best thing to do is not to take it personally, since we all say things that we don't mean to say, this is just another way of how some children express their feelings when they're angry or upset. Always remain calm, and let the child know that the word "hate" is not a nice word and teach them there are other ways to express themselves instead of using words that hurt people's feelings.
say that it's okay to be angry at you... talk about who is at fault.
Just love em through the phase...mine does too some days...other days she loves me.
and how old is this teenanger? and no, i didn't spell that wrong! lol
Your child doesn't hate you, they just say that they do because you are doing something right and they don't like it. Trust me, my kids tell me they hate me a few times a week and I tell them ok that's fine hate me but you are stuck with me until you are 18. Just continue to love them and be their parent. One day they will appreciate it. I am not sure how old of a child you have but mine are 7 and 9 and I know it will get worst. Being a parent is the hardest job in the world but we only get one chance at it so don't screw it up.
As the cowboys would say, grab a deep seat and hold on. The phase will pass and one day they'll come back and tell you they love you. Hearing "I hate you!" means you are doing your job. You are setting limits and they don't like it. But its your job nonetheless. Teenagers don't separate the person from the thing they dislike, be it chores, limits or areas of study. My last year of teaching, I was teaching seventh grade literature and eighth grade math. My seventh graders loved literature, so they loved me. My eighth graders hated math, so they hated me. And as they passed each other in the doorway, the seventh graders would be giving me hugs and the eighth graders would be snarling at me. Hang on, it will pass.
Love is the only answer for a child
“Simple” stop hating them, and then they will stop hating you (you are the adult) If that is not possible, then just suck it up. As they say “life is not a rehearsal”
If they "hate" you for the right reasons, let them. You cannot allow them to emotionally blackmail you into getting their way.
Love them. Obviously if they 'hate' you, (the apostrophe's implying you know they really don't), it'll pass. They may dislike you currently, but they'll always love you. And don't let them shove you around too much, they get cocky that way :P Understand that you might've once felt the same about your parentals at some point. Try to communicate with them, find the cause of their 'hate' for you, see how you can both change the way you interact to make both of you feel better around one another. Of course if it's the post/teenage-angst stage, this may not get you far. In that case, wait, be patient, love them. They'll come around :) MERRY CHRISTMAS! :)
Let the considerable time be passed..everything will be alright!Kids can't resist parents love for more time!
Love them.
Depends...if they "hate" you because you grounded them or you enforced discipline...tell them that it's life and they are gonig to have to learn to deal. If they hate you because they have joined some form of cult or gang, started doing crazy drugs, dropped out of school, murdered the neighbor...any of those's not your fault...blame Steve Jobs and life gets easier :)
Hate is a very strong word. If they are just MAD at you for something, then that is very normal. But, if they actually HATE you, then I think I would be going to every length possible to find out why.
Trade your kid in for a new one. Check with the gypsies, they do a brisk business this time of year. j/k, sheesh!
Realize it's not the kind of hate we adults understand.
I've been told that too. Really hurts. I've been told to keep telling them that you love them. Whats worse for me is, what do you do when your daughter seems to think your mom is a better parent. My husband and I have a happy stable home, I just don't get it. I hope she grows out of it.
Legally disown them!
So far - knock on wood - my kids have yet to say this to me. I think I'd probably cry, let them know how horrible that is to say to someone - especially mom and dad and how much it hurts. It's ok to be honest with kids about your feelings. Sorry you're going through this.
Love them anyway.
honestly, me being a child, when i say to my mother i hate her it is because i am really mad and honestly just want her to stay out of my way and not get upset with me for saying that. i just want to yell and shes the one closest to me and i am blaming her. so i suggest you just say something like "okay" and keep out of the way of your kid :-)
It probably depends on what you mean by "hates." First thing to do is keep on loving the chhild
ignore the hate and treat them how you normally do.
You are not their are their parent.....Tell them it is okay for them to hate're just doing your job :)
If they hate you for the right reasons, nothing. If they hate you because you set a bad example for them, abuse them in anyway, parent out of your needs and disregard their age appropriate/developmental needs, then you need to do some work.
they never hate you im 17 and trust me they may say it but its hard to hate pamily especially a parent you may hate what they have done but they are your parent even those who are abused and what not still dont always hate their parents and they have every right to but you really cant do much we are young and it will be said i havent said it to my actual parents but have to my stepmom but i dont hate her but she said it right back but as long as you are being a good parent you will be ok
The best thing to do is to continue to show your love for them.
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