Non Contact Infrared Thermometer -- $19.99
While Supplies Last
  • Been there, not as much fun as you might think. You can't think of them the same. Sam was cool but then I realized the best we could but would be just friends with benifits.
  • Why wouldn't you want to be involved? Watch a porno, sheesh.
  • yes, only and ONLY if i could get it on it halfway in. But then again it depends on how comfortable you are with your girl not wanting to be with the girl more.. i've seen that happen 2 girls go at it guy tries to join and ends up playin with himself...its a hard world out there :) make sure everyone is open for it to because it could go real bad if its an on the fly kinda things.
  • no. I would leave my wife if she got sexual with anyone other than me.
  • My husband definitely would! He would love it!

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