• i would not think so .they marry who they love in our free world. but in many place they are still sold or gotten rid off .force marriages are all too common still today. mothers cry as they know what hell is marriage. but now you are married you can at least divorce ! wish all happiness in love in or out of wedlock that word means it all.
  • What a great question. LOL!!!!
  • LOL, such a good question... for the record, I married a good man, just like my father. ;)
  • In my case, my mother ought to be crying enough to fill the oceans! However, if I EVER marry someone like my 'father' someone better shoot me!!!
  • I thought mothers were sort of happy to get the kids out of their lives and sort of thrown into adulthood. I'm assuming marriage is seen as a rite of passage, maybe moms remember when they were in those shoes & now thie child is doing the same. So memories of the kid growing up, and all it must be alittle emotional? Pops is probaly in a corner crying over the cost of everything...
  • Ha!!! that is very funny indeed..yes its a possibility..
  • Hehe. My boyfriend is exactly like my dad except that he's liberal. They're both embarassing yet hilarious. My mom would probably cry and cover her eyes till the wedding was over if I married someone like my dad. Apparently at their wedding he did the Pee Wee Herman laugh right before he kissed her.
  • There are girls who never wanna marry guys like their fathers.
  • LOL- funny question with a hint of truth! My mom cried tears of happiness, knowing I would be well taken care of by my husband, who was VERY much like my father. It was a joyful occasion, partly because she wouldn't have to worry about me anymore. My sister on the other hand, will not be as happy with her daughter's marriage. She doesn't like the fact the groom drinks so much, even though it was her own alcoholic husband that forced the stuff on him at social gatherings.
  • Because the mothers figure the daughters don't know what they're getting themselves into. :-)
  • Only if they have a Daddy Complex. I will never marry a man who is anything like any man in my family - not my father, stepfather, grandfather(s), or uncles. Mostly because I see the mistake that the women of my family made by marrying any man in this family, and I don't want to repeat it.

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