I was reading a book once in the park, only to be chased home by villagers with torches, does that count?
I must certainly hope so!
I've been mistaken for a radicalist before, if that counts.
Not on your life.
Not yet
No, not even a suggestion or hint.
I was often mistaken for one when I actually wasn't one. Probably because I used to talk about God like he was a rapist.
yeah, i have at a job; this girl that i couldn't stand was trying to force her god on everyone ( that's why i couldn't stand her )and i told her that i didn't believe in any of that crap! she shut-up, which was what i wanted her to do.
That would be like mistaking the sun for being bright. So I guess not. :)
Yes, some people just mistake my extreme skepticism for atheism.
I have no idea. No one (that I recall) has ever said "you are an Atheist" or "are you an Atheist"? I'm not privy to what others think....only what they say out loud! Happy Thursday! :)
Never, but Atheism is a part of spiritualism and I am a spiritualist!
I'm not sure what I believe... Something out there. Just not sure what or how many of them... ITS ALIENS! Just kidding.
I certainly hope not.
Less often than the Archbishop of Cantebury
Not that I know of.
Maybe by other men,But never by God himself.He knows my heart.
At one time or another, I have been mistaken for an atheist, a panthiest, a pagan, a christian, a catholic, a protestant, a holy-roller, etc. I have always believed that it's much harder to hit a moving target. : )
Nope. Only the opposite. And if I was called an atheist, it would hardly be a mistake.
Almost every time I argue in Evolutions defense I get called an Atheist.
No, never! : O )
I was put on the spot and asked to say grace at dinner once, to which I declined not felling comfortable. It's not that I lack beliefs, it's that saying grace was never my family's custom outside of holiday occasions.
Nope. That perception is quite accurate.
Sort of. I'm agnostic and have been lumped in with Athiests before, which I definitely am not.
no, but my mom thought that i was a pagan once...
It would please me to think so.
Not that I'm aware of. In fact, on a few occasions, I have had people ask me if I was a Christian. I tell them yes because I'm not ashamed of it.
God, no.
I am an atheist, so it is no mistake to think I am one.
not yet
No. But I was mistaken for Duane "The Rock" Johnson once.
I'm an atheist, so there's no mistake about it.
No, but I was approached in the grocery store once by a woman who wanted me to pray for her. Walked directly up to me like I was wearing an advertisement! I guess she could sense The Spirit. Its not like I was carrying a Bible or wearing a cross or anything outward. I have been mistaken for a child more than once, though.
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