• No I don't. I think it's an imbalance of power and I think it's creepy. What life experience could they have in common?
  • OK? I don't know. Wise?....not at all. Anybody else's business? No. Doomed to fail? Yes.
  • Sure it is, If he is her father.
  • Not in the slightest. I think it's gross and as an 18 year old girl myself, I am pretty much disgusted by people over 30 hitting on me. And 59 is WELL over 30. A 59 year old man has nothing in common with an 18 year old and only wants her because she's young. And probably better looking than the 60 year olds he's used to. There's nothing in it for the girl.
  • The 59 year old man should know better...
  • what kind of relationship? Are they related, dating, neighbors, teacher. Too vague.
  • are you hoping he will die soon so you can get his life insurance money? too old if you ask me.
  • No way! He is old enough to be her father! She needs to find a man she loves and thats more her age! There is something weird/freaky about why an 59 yr old man wants to date a 18 yr old girl.
  • ahhh no i dont think thats okay.....Long term?? nah. what can you possible have in common with a 59 year old if your 18? Older men are better to date (my view) but try someone a bit younger maybe like in there 20s or so.
  • Looks like you have some concern yourself just by the nature of your question. So, if you think that it is ok, then it IS ok. If you think not, then it is not ok. Who are we to judge you and your private life? I think this is a question that only you have the real answer to.
  • Sure! Why not?
  • 9 out of 10 59yr old men think so

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