• A peace pipe, also called a calumet or medicine pipe, is a ceremonial smoking pipe used by many Native American tribes, traditionally as a token of peace. A common material for calumet pipe bowls is red pipestone or catlinite, a fine-grained easily-worked stone of a rich red color of the Coteau des Prairies, west of the Big Stone Lake in South Dakota. The quarries were formerly neutral ground among warring tribes; many sacred traditions are associated with the locality. A type of herbal tobacco or mixture of herbs was usually reserved for special smoking occasions, with each region's people using the plants that were locally considered to have special qualities or a culturally condoned basis for ceremonial use. Some northern Sioux people used long, stemmed pipes for ceremonies while others such as the Catawbas in the southeast used ceremonial pipes formed as round, footed bowls with a tubular smoke tip projecting from each cardinal direction on the bowl. Sioux ceremonies included saying a prayer to each of the four cardinal directions and the earth and sky (reportedly viewed as female and male principles, respectively), then a little bit of tobacco would be sprinkled on the ground in recognition of the relationship connecting humans to all other parts of existence. Other Indian peoples used and use pipes in different ways, according to their personal or group beliefs, ceremonies, purposes and habits. It should be clarified that the television image of a "chief" with long braids smoking a long, feathered "peacepipe" is a false, Hollywood fabrication that absolutely does not convey the variety of practices, pipe forms, or beliefs and ceremonial procedures of the thousands of Indian groups in pre-European North (and South) America I believe that is one of the many things that could have gone into them, but, like I say, many things, peace pipes were not made to only smoke pot.
  • As a Lakota Pipe Carrier, and a practitioner of traditional "religions", I am astounded that this myth even continues today. What is smoked in the "peace pipe" (actually a sacred instrument used to pray) is a blend of natural herbs, mostly "Cansasa", the inner bark of the red osher dogwood tree. It would never occur to me to put a mind altering substance in my Pipe. Not only that, but since Cannabis is not a native plant to the Americas, I'm not aware of any traditional practices among any of the native peoples of this continent using Cannabis in a peace pipe. However, since the inception of the Native American church by Quannah Parker, it may have become a practice among some of the Native American Church members, especially when their sacred Peyote is not available. My definition of "traditional), however, pre-dates the Native American Church. "Traditional" uses not withstanding, I know several/many Native American healers and medicine people who use cannabis for medicinal purposes to great effect.
  • pre-dates the Native American Church? Cannabis is a native of Asia, the ancestors of Native Americans. As with the early Christians incense cantors containing trace amounts of hashish. Archeology says cannabis was used in ceremonial tokings. Booze was not used by Natives until the Barbarians came from Europe. White Powders and Casino's are foreign objects. The pollutants alters your mind and spirit, Ganja returns cells to their natural place. Why would you have a map of cannabinoids throughout your largest organ, the skin? Ganja is the primary source of all major religions. Along with other natural entheogenic substances. The poisons sprayed on cotton abort babies and contaminate underground aquifers. Hemp is organic, aerates the soil with deep roots, provides Omega 3 and softer blue jeans. Ganja has hundreds of medicinal uses and a less intoxicating stress remedy than the legal synthetics and booze. What kind of "Native" do you think you are with such nonsense. Turn in your pipe! enΒ·theoΒ·gen (god within; god- or spirit-facilitating) a psychoactive sacramental; a plant or chemical substance taken to occasion primary religious experience. Example: peyote cactus as used in the Native American Church. PS: Tobacco is not harmful, the chemicals added do the harm. No one mentions it, scapegoat the farmers. More taxes more sick down the line. Absolutely no laws of physics comparison to Ganja or organic tobacco without the adulterants. 'Rabbit Proof Fence' Physical evidence for the antiquity of Cannabis sativa L. Recent palynological research into the agricultural and environmental history of Cannabis has produced curves for Cannabaceae pollen at a number of sites in Europe and America. Scientific Evidence for Pre-Columbian Transoceanic Voyages to and from the Americas Evidence of Cannabis in new world before Columbus Native Americans & Hemp A call for reverse colonization through a new sustainable paradigm Cannabis Culture: a Global Perspective Chris Bennett Vision of a Sacred Tree When Smoke Gets In My I By Chris Bennet Splitting-the-Sky Hill Washington DC Hemp Rally, July 4, 1991 The Scythians High Plains Drifters Marijuana and the Bible The Ganjawar Comes To The Rez Green Gold The Tree of Life: Marijuana in Magic and Religion by Chris Bennett Jan Irvin - Cannabis / Hemp / Marijuana Part 2 "In the later times, some shall speak lies in hypocrisy, commanding to abstain from meats which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. Every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused if it be received with thanksgiving. For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer. " ~ Paul: 1 Timothy 4:1-6
  • What did native americans smoke in those pipes? We have spent over a trillion dollars - 7 out of 16 American History book editors - 12 out of 16
  • Nope, marijuana is from India
  • No, we did not. Tobacco and other herbs and aromatics were used in the pipes. Out here in CA we culivated a "wild tobacco" that was used in ours, although the pipe wasn't as big a deal to us as it is to others. MJ came from Asia with the foreigners. 1/22

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