• I donno...?? The highway man??Just a guess :)
  • If I had £1 for every time... I love this "blinded by the light" sketch:
  • me before coffee
  • me after second cup.
  • Manfred Mann isn't talking about anything, Bruce Springsteen wrote and originally recorded this one. As far as the meaning, I always thought it was just a mishmash of stuff that sounded good together, kind of a holdover from the beat poets and Dylan. I get the impression that there is some kind of opaque meaning to the lyrics, but that they're personal metaphors that only Bruce would really understand.
  • Springsteen talked about this song in detail on an episode of VH1 Storytellers. A lot of the references are personal, to include people he knew or had met on the Boardwalks, or had grown up around, or were just direct personal references to himself: Madman drummers bummers - Vinnie "Mad dog" Lopez, the first drummer in the E Street Band. Indians in the summer - Bruce's little league baseball team as a kid. In the dumps with the mumps - being sick with the mumps. Boulder on my shoulder - a "chip" on his shoulder. Some all hot, half-shot, heading for a hot spot, snapping fingers clapping his hands - Being a "know it all kid growing up, who doesn't really know anything." "Silicone Sister" - Bruce mentions that this is arguably the first mention of breast implants in popular music - a dancer at one of the local strip joints in Asbury Park. He wrote this song in his bedroom, primarily using a rhyming dictionary. Or as Bruce put it, "the rhyming dictionary was on fire." (thanks, John - Columbus, OH) Manfred Mann's version replaces the line "Cut loose like a deuce" with "Revved up like a deuce." In their version, "Deuce" was commonly misheard as "Douche." Springsteen's original line makes a lot more sense - a deuce is a 1932 Ford hotrod. On his Storytellers special, Springsteen said (in a jesting manner) that the only reason Manfred Mann's version went #1 was because they said "Douche" instead of "Deuce." (thanks, Anthony - New York, NY)
  • Bruce Springsteen wrote the song, although I do prefer Manfred Mann's version, but I forget what it's about. When I used to party, I was definitely revved up like a deuce.
  • The actual lyrics are blinded by the light Revved up like a deuce another runner in the night
  • never heard that song

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