Yes, not long enough, it was nice when she did.
Yeah, and sometimes I gave her the silent treatment. But it wouldn't last long. We are best friends and I hate being mad at her or have her be mad at me.
No. The statement, "Wait until your father gets home," was enough to scare me.
She want 6 months on my sister 2 for me but my sister run away to the other side of the country
Real answer. I wish!! My mother's version of passive/aggressive was to ignore the passive part. Not physical. But verbal. Oy, would my ears bleed. She's gone 2 1/2 years. I miss her daily.
It could last for days. My mother has a severe mental illness.
no but my wife did for 2 days once, tourture
No, she gave me the shouting and screaming treatment, and when she was drunk it literally went on for hours, followed by a few days of subtle but constant reproaches to what had happened, and how apparently it was all a five year old girl's fault, blah.
not so much as 'that look' ha! (terrified me!)
NO! I wish she would of. She would not just yell but continue to talk about it all day and wake you up out of your sleep and tell the neighbors.
Sometimes. It would vary according to how "awful" I was or how disappointed she was in me! :)
Yes. All the time. Thank the lord for her silent treatments because it was the only way I could get some peace and quiet from her constant nagging and criticism.
Yes, sometimes it would last for weeks. I thought it was humiliating, sad and frightening all at the same time. My father did nothing to help, either.
No, she never did. I wish she had, just a minute of peace would have been nice when she was yelling... and tapping her foot. The woman would stand there tapping her foot, it drove me nuts.
No, but I wish she had, and WOULD nowadays. She has no off button.
long enough for me to skip out the kitchen whistling. fight fire with fire.
She still does... And it can go on for weeks. It really annoys me too because its so childish and I feel things would run so much more smoothly if we would just talk things out and I'm always more than willing but she simply is not.
No, she used the "guilty" treatment, a technique so common with Asian parents. If my siblings and I did something bad, she would pretend to be hurt and sad, to the point of crying. Because she raised us with a lot of unconditional love, the sight of seeing her hurt made us feel so guilty that we'd give in and change our ways. It worked. Sigh!
No way, she was a scream devil.
My mom is a grandma. She buts into everything that concerns our daughter and gives her advice. I don't appreciate it and she knows it. When things start to get tense neither one of us calls the other. Longest time was 1 month. It's always me who has to make the first move. It's like she's the boss.I think it's her way of saying she thinks she's right. I am starting to resent her for that.
i called her a nazi she wouldnt talk to me for a couple years. minimal speaking now, to bare minimum. ooopsie...struck a cord (bcuz she actually is one)
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