• I think that anything you would give someone who celebrate christmas would be fine. Hanukkah is not actualy a really religious holidy. Expecially in America, it has more commercial value then religious value. Just think of it as a Christmas gift.
  • something kosher
  • If you want to get something that relates to the holiday, a book or something that is spiritual would probably be most appropriate as Chanukah is a celebration of spirituality. ( Books and Jewish goods tend to be expensive though, so this might not be the best choice. For presents I like to give a cheque with no name on it so my/your friend can choose what charity to give it to. You could also pay for a tree in Israel (You can plant a tree for about $10 from the Jewish National Fund. Giving money to a worthwhile charity in a friends name should be recieved well. =) Anything is ok though. Here are some more fun ideas: As Coheed said, a lot of Jews treat Chanukah like Christmas in respect to gifts: "I think that anything you would give someone who celebrate christmas would be fine."
  • The answers that state anything you'd give a person who celebrates Christmas is only partially correct. I don't think a Jewish person would appreciate a poinsettia or a fruit cake, or anything that is traditionally Christian,such as a cross, which would be offensive. However, general gifts that have no particular religious connotation would be appropriate, as well as a donation in the person's name, to a charity, preferably a Jewish charity or one pertaining to health, such as the Heart or Cancer funds would be well received.
  • a dreidel

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